January-March Recap

SkylarApril 10, 2020

When I first started to write out this life recap post earlier in March things looked a lot different in the world. Halfway through March the full effects of COVID-19 hit and things slowly changed to the “stay at home” reality we live in now (honestly my introverted self doesn’t mind it). Overall, both my husband and I are great and healthy. We have everything that we could need and that’s more than enough to be grateful for.

Anyways, let’s take a glance at what the first few months of 2020 looked like!


In January we returned from our Christmas spent in Georgia with Brandon’s family. For new years we headed to the mountains for some solid ski days. We skied at Keystone and Vail over New Years. It snowed while we were there and powder was amazing!!


The rest of January looked like taking care of back end photography work like catching up on blogging weddings, Instagram courses, and redesigning my entire website (working on that all over again in April). I was coaching a lot at the CrossFit gym, so that filled up a lot of my time too. Brandon and I got in some solid date nights at local places in Colorado Springs like Dos Santos (amazing tacos) and Cork & Cask (pictured below).

January -for -blog-post

I photographed a ski proposal in Breckenridge and was literally skiing with my camera and gear backpack on me, so that was something cool in the photography realm. Here’s one of the photos from it below and you can click here for the link to my blog post to see more photos from it.




The month of February looked similar to January. We got in more ski days and date nights on the weekends. We skied at Beaver Creek for the first time (pictured below). I worked at the CrossFit gym a lot too. At the end of February I attended the CrossFit Level Two Certificate course and passed my assessment, so now I’m officially a CrossFit Level Two Trainer!  Picture from that on bottom right. Otherwise, for photography work I had an engagement session, assisted a photographer at a wedding, and did more work on back end photography stuff.

february for blog post


In the month of March I FINALLY went home to New Mexico for a much needed weekend with the family. We honestly just hung out. I checked out the boutique my sister works at. I spent a lot of time with my Mom. I also got in some farm work outside with my Dad and went with him to check his herd of cows and new baby calves. Sometimes you just need time at home with your family and to get away from the routine of your day to day life. It was nice.


When I returned from my weekend at home that’s when everything started to change. I coached at the CrossFit gym that Monday evening, and a few hours later we learned that we would be shutting down. Our gym is now closed until April 30th . I’ve been getting in home workouts, long walks daily, and working through a nutrition coaching course.

I also had my first wedding of the year on March 21. Their guest list went from 126 down to 10 due to the state mandates on gathering sizes being put in place in Colorado. Thankfully I was still able to photograph their day. Later this summer I’ll photograph their reception hopefully with all their original guests! Here’s a blog post with the photo recap of their day.


Honestly, the gym being closed is the biggest shift in my life since I’m not physically going to work there a handful of times a day. I already work from home with photography things, so my days have looked pretty similar with continuing to work from home. All of my April/May weddings and engagement sessions have been rescheduled for later in the year, so that has required some flexibility and letting go of what I expected these next few months to look like. Brandon is working from home during this time too. He might go into work for small things 1-2 times a week.  We’ve gotten some housework done and have enjoyed the extra time and space to be together. I finally put together our YouTube recap of our honeymoon and have two blog posts about our trip done too (Part One, Part Two). I’m currently obsessed with the show Outlander on Netflix/Starz (Brandon enjoys it too, but isn’t at the obsessed level like I am). We typically watch one or two episodes a night. The next day I’ll always listen to a podcast recap of the episode from ladies who read the books. I ordered the first book and will start reading it today actually.

March-working-from-home-norm So what’s next for this blog space? My mind has soooo many blog post ideas.  I’ll likely do a recap of books I’ve read and loved the past few months. I have more honeymoon trip details to blog about. And I’d like to dive into more health/fitness related posts too. Writing/blogging has always been a big creative outlet for me. The desire to show up more in this space has been weighing heavily on me lately, so I’m trying to honor that. Thanks for reading! I’m not even sure who will read this, but I hope you are staying safe and healthy!

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