I can’t believe January has come and gone, but that’s how it always goes isn’t it. January truly has been a month of “new” for me. So I’m going to share with you some favorites from this month.
Job//I got a new job! I’m the new broadcast journalism/media teacher at a local high school! I love it even though it is overwhelming at times trying to stumble my way around and figure out what the heck I’m teaching.
Crossfit//For CrossFit I decided to do the workouts to prep for the CrossFit open. They’re a lot more high volume and high intensity. We do a lot of barbel cycling, heavier lifting, and conditioning than normal. This one in particular was rough.
1. Front Squat+Handstand Pushups 2. Hang Clean + Jerk 3. Ground to Overhead 4. Double Unders+Wall Balls+Chest to bar
Workout Gear//Speaking of CrossFit, I’ve been obsessed with this lion headdress Progenex tank top that I got for Christmas. While taking my pictures I didn’t even realize I was covering up the lion part, but oh well.
Books//I’ve been reading a LOT lately. Here are my favorites from this month. Wild by Cheryl Strayed & American Sniper.
Movie//Above you can see that I’m reading American Sniper, and I also saw the movie. It’s by far the best movie I’ve seen in a long time. Very intense and powerful. I could say a lot about this movie and the book, but when I tried it was a blog post in itself. I think this movie is real eye opening to Americans. Since I’m dating an Army veteran, he has definitely opened up my world a LOT to the world he lives in. However, most of us live in the dark. Meaning we forgot and do forget about the people who have served overseas for us. Aside from having a deep reverence for Chris Kyle, this movie was a powerful visual of the battle between fighting in a war and then returning home to “normal” life. Go see it if you haven’t.

TV Show//Downton Abbey Season 5 has started on PBS so I have been pumped every Sunday night to watch it. It has once again refueled my dream to travel to England someday. Somebody please take me.

I’m also hooked on The Tudors. It can be a bit graphic and rough on the language, but I really have enjoyed it. I guess I’m one of those people who loves period pieces.

Blog Post//Why I’m Struggling With Blogging. I think this post describes my relationship with blogging for the month of January and it’s still that way. I have gotten more inspiration and am getting a better idea of how I want my blogging to look like in February, but it’s still is a struggle that I’m working through.
Community//I joined the Influence Network this month and it was one of the best decisions I could have made not only as a blogger, but as a young Christian woman who has a desire to live a creative life. On Wednesday night I got to tune into half of a class held by Whitney English. You heard that right. Whitney English. The woman who designs those awesome planners. Yeah she was talking to us on the other side of the screen. It was like a blogger dream come true.

Scripture// Starting a new job and being around new people makes me more conscious of my actions around them. I think this verse captures ideals that I try to embody, especially around my students. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely get tested on those every day.
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Galatians 5:22
That wraps up my January favorites. I’m off to school this morning and am looking forward to a weekend of no plans, except some Super Bowl commercial watching!
Also, today is your last chance to enter my Gigabody giveaway! Be sure to enter for your chance to win one month of access to online workouts!!
What are some of your favorites from January??