It’s Spring Brakkkkee: Off to Vegas

SkylarMarch 21, 2014

But first let me take a selfie…

with one of my best friends….


I’m not sure if this song has reached you yet, but it’s definitely a hit at NMSU. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that this week or seen a Tweet about it.

Spring Brakkeee has arrived. And I’m spelling it as “brake” because well it’s funner to say it that way.

1. Saturday morning I’ll be in Vegas and I cannot wait!!! Aside from school I’ve just had Vegas on the brain. I’m going with 10 of my closest sorority sisters. Hopefully, we don’t lose anyone like the Hangover movies. But we’re all really good at watching out and taking care of one another, so it’s highly unlikely anything like that will happen.

It’ll be like our last “hoorah” together before some of our group graduates and starts new adventures outside of NMSU and Zeta, so we’ll make it a trip to remember and celebrate our friendship.

photo(23)Be prepared for me to be blowing up your Instagram with pictures!!

2. Greek Week

It came and it went. I spent two weeks working hard and laughing hard with my sorority sisters. And eating hard. We eat all the things during Greek Sing madness.


And my parents came down for Greek Sing and bought me this delightful breakfast.


3. St. Patrick’s Day

Sometimes I question my life decisions. I was already exhausted from the past two weeks and should have just went to bed, but it’s a semester of lasts so that’s not an option. After spending some time in the library I went to my friends house for a little St. Patty’s party. I didn’t stay long, but it was fun while I was there.

And they had pin the beard on the Leprechaun. Instant cool party points for them.


And I saw my favorite brother and sister pair.


4. My friend Lauren gave me a good leg workout. Those athletic training majors know their stuff.

True story. She called it a functional leg workout.

5 min treadmill/bicycle

3 rounds of 30 bodyweight squats.

1. Walking lunges with weight plates over head (10 on each leg, 20-25 lbs)

2.  Jump rope while other two are doing move

3. Deadlifts (10, 45 lbs)

* Repeat Round 3 times

1. Wall Balls (10, 18lb)

 2. Morning Glories (10, 45lb)

3. Side lunges on bosu ball (10 on each leg)

*Repeat Round 3 times.

Then ta da! You are finished!! I wasn’t super sore or anything, but it was a good sore that you could tell you definitely did a good workout.

And I did back and biceps this week.


Along with a morning run on Thursday and some chest/triceps today with some yoga.

5. Sleep

Post-Greek Sing I have been exhausted. I haven’t been that tired in a long time. Finally on Wednesday I went to bed early and woke up on Thursday feeling a bit more like normal. I’ve learned that sometimes coffee isn’t enough and all you really need is sleep. I looked like the kitty below at work and class on Monday and Tuesday.

In just a few hours we’ll be heading out of LC to Albuquerque to catch our flight to Vegas tomorrow morning! Have a great weekend everyone!! I’ll be back next week for a post-spring break post.

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    March 21, 2014 at 7:05 pm

    Woooooo happy spring break! Take tons of pics in vegas and I can’t wait to hear all about it 🙂

  • Aurora

    March 24, 2014 at 10:08 am

    Have an amazing trip! You guys are going to have so much fun!

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