It’s Christmas Break! Just Relax!

SkylarDecember 19, 2012

This past week has been the first week of my Christmas break. I had just gotten home on Saturday from finishing up my finals at college, not to mention I had suddenly become sick once I had finally gotten home (to my apartment) Thursday after my last final.

These past few days have consisted of a doctor’s appointment where I got a shot in the hip to take care of my sickness, naps, snacks, and doing things for my writing internship. As someone who likes to workout 4-6 times a week being sick is hard for me to do. I want to workout! But then again my body needed rest, so rest is what I gave it.

Yesterday, I did a half-hearted 30 minute workout and it was nice just to get my blood pumping again. Today I did a 30 minute treadmill interval run. I probably should have only done 20 minutes since I’m still trying to get rid of a cough and sinus junk. However, I’m pretty close to being 100% again.

Anyways, as I’ve been here hanging out at home I’ve felt guilty almost. Guilty for not doing anything really. Guilty for the wonderful nap I took yesterday and guilty for the hour and a half I spent watching The Family Man today. Then I have to remember that hey I’m on Christmas break and this is what I’m supposed to do! Now I’m watching Home Alone, a classic!


Since the end of August when school started back up I have been on-the-go all the time. I always had a sorority event, homework, boyfriend stuff, or just something that I needed to be doing. I even only came home for Labor and not again till Thanksgiving! For some reason this semester was hectic. I spent the last couple weeks at school finishing up projects, writing papers,and studying all the time. So I’d say I deserve a break. We all do sometimes and we need to let ourselves enjoy that break.

I’ve had to make myself almost shut down my computer set it aside, lay my phone down on the table, and just really lay back and relax. I also can finally read for enjoyment again and I chose “Sense & Sensibility” by Jane Austen. It’s been nice 🙂

Now I have to get up and finally put make-up on to go shopping with my sister in town for their basketball Christmas party tomorrow. When I get home I”m going to grab my book, make myself a cup of something hot to drink, and just read until I feel like going to bed. Not letting anything else in the world distract me because hey it’s Christmas break!

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