I’m Turning 22 And It’s Okay

SkylarJune 23, 2014

Friday, June 27, marks the day when I will no longer be 21. I’ll be turning the big double deuce. This time last year I was anxiously awaiting my birthday so I could be of legal age to consume alcohol and be old enough to get into bars. Now the fun is over and the next age I have to look forward to is 25 when I can legally rent a car. I’ll probably have a car rental birthday party so be on the look out for that in 3 years.


But to be honest turning 22 makes sense with the point I’ve reached in my life. Basically I’m right on the edge of becoming an actual adult. It’s scary as heck, but it’s something I’m more excited than scared about. If you would have asked me this time last year if I was ready to be done with college and kicked out into the real world I would have said no. I wasn’t ready then, but I feel like I’m more okay with the idea now. College isn’t forever. We all have to grow up at some point.

After December I have no idea what I’ll be doing with my life. So far it’s a white blank page and it doesn’t scare me. It doesn’t worry me. It excites me because it’s full of new possibilities. It’s full of the unknown. And I can place my hope and trust in someone who does have a plan for my future. Thank you God for that promise in Jeremiah 29:11.

I have one more semester left of undergrad which will be student teaching (full time job with no pay). Which is awesome.

I’ll now be an alumna member of Zeta Tau Alpha meaning no more Monday night meetings or weekends filled with philanthropy events or late school nights working on the Homecoming float.

Most of my close girlfriends graduated this May and are either off starting new jobs or will be starting graduate school in the fall. This translates into pretty boring weekends where I won’t be going out as much as I did this past year. I’ll probably go out like 2 times, it won’t even be comparable.

I’ll be having lots of big decisions to be making like:

Grad school: Yes? No? For education? For nutrition? For mass media? Where at?

Post-Graduation: Teaching job? Where at?

Other decisions will fall into my hands that I can’t think of right now nor can I expect.

So 22 is the year of possibility. The year of change. The year of the unknown. The year of the white blank page and I’m completely okay with that.

Year 22

I’ll be posting a few more times this week, but be on the look out for my birthday Friday post on 21 things I learned my 21st year. Have a great Monday everyone!

Have you faced a year of uncertainty? Do you look forward to getting older?

Comments (10)

  • caileejoy

    June 23, 2014 at 2:57 pm

    This is so exciting!!! Happy almost 22nd birthday! Are you feelin 22?!! Haha! I hope that this is a great year! Looking forward your hearing about what you’ve learned in 21 years! 🙂

    1. Sky @ The Blonde In Black

      June 24, 2014 at 10:57 am

      Haha thank you so much! 🙂

  • jessielovestorun

    June 24, 2014 at 2:10 am

    Embrace each year! Sure you may not have the slightest clue where your live is going to lead you, but as long as you trust in God, things will work out exactly how there supposed too. For now though, enjoy your life <3 Happy early birthday btw!

    1. Sky @ The Blonde In Black

      June 24, 2014 at 10:58 am

      Thank you so much for your sweet words! 🙂

  • pickyrunner

    June 24, 2014 at 5:22 am

    I think 22 is going to be a good year for you! It’s definitely different especially since we’re expected to grow up so much in such a short year. I can’t wait to see where you go with it! Happy early birthday 🙂

    1. Sky @ The Blonde In Black

      June 24, 2014 at 10:59 am

      Wahh I know all of a sudden it just sneaks up on you like “okay now it’s time to grow up!” And thank you 🙂

  • Sarah Grace FFH

    June 26, 2014 at 8:03 pm

    I know what you mean girl! I’m entering my senior year of undergrad and the future is full of the unknown. Continue to trust God has a plan and just follow His lead 🙂
    xoxo Sarah Grace, Fresh Fit N Healthy.

    1. Sky @ The Blonde In Black

      June 30, 2014 at 8:48 pm

      Thank you for your encouraging words 🙂

  • Birthday Weekend Recap & July Goals | The Blonde In Black

    July 1, 2014 at 8:36 am

    […] last weekend was my 22nd birthday if you didn’t realize that despite all my “birthday” posts. The CrossFit box I go […]

  • sam

    March 3, 2016 at 2:03 am

    Thursday, 11 march, is my birthday and I’m Turning 22. but i don’t know it’s okay or … .

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