Why I'm Competing in the CrossFit Open

SkylarFebruary 24, 2015

When I started CrossFit this summer I wouldn’t have thought I would sign up for the CrossFit Open this spring.
Before I go any further you may be asking: What is the CrossFit Open? According to CrossFit.com, “The 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games season begins with the online Open. Anyone can sign up to compete in five workouts over five weeks and post their scores online. Last year, the Open reached more than 209,000 athletes from around the world.”
Basically anyone is able to register for the CrossFit Open and complete the workouts and have their coach post their scores. If you score high enough in the Open then you move onto regionals and eventually to the CrossFit Games.
Am I expected to place high enough to move onto regionals? Of course not. I can barely do an overhead squat with a training bar. So does that mean I shouldn’t compete? Umm noooo! Here are 4 reasons why I’m competing in the CrossFit Open. 
PRGNX tank1
1. Push of Motivation. Since January, my box has offered workouts to prepare you for the CrossFit Open and that’s what I’ve been doing.  My strength and skills have drastically improved during these past two months. Knowing that these workouts are  preparing me for the CrossFit Open has been a huge motivational factor. Plus, the fact that they’re really kicking my butt keeps me going back for more. I figure I better put that work to use by actually competing.
2. Thrill of Competition. I can’t help but crave the thrill of competition. After playing sports since I was in elementary through high school and through college intramurals, the thrill of competition still excites me. Now that I’ve graduated college, I’m in need of a new form of competition. That’s where CrossFit steps in. I’ll be able to see where I stack up compared to others around the world. 
3. Test my Ability. I can now do kipping pull-ups (2-4 unbroken). I can almost do double unders unbroken. I’ve healed from my stress fracture injury and can now run again. I’ve hit PRs in all of my lifts. I want to see where my strength and skills stand. I want to see what my weaknesses are and my strengths. The CrossFit Open workouts will test me and hopefully I’ll surprise myself. When the Open comes around next year I’ll be able to see how much progress I’ve made since this year.
4. Have some fun. Despite getting my booty kicked by these open workouts, I think they’ll be a lot of fun. I’m excited to compete with other people in my box and to feed the hunger for some competition. It’ll definitely add some excitment to my experience with CrossFit.  
Want more explanations of why people compete in the open? This video from CrossFit does a pretty good and humorous job of explaining what the Open is to other people.  I definitely see some of my reasoning in this too. 

So I’m scared for what the workouts will be and I’ll probably hate my decision to compete in the Open during the middle of the first workout this weekend, but I know I’ll be happy to say that I completed the CrossFit Open workouts.
Are you competing in the CrossFit Open?
Do you have an upcoming competition in the event of your choice (running, etc.)?
Does competition motivate you?

Comments (12)

  • Kay @ Kay Bueno

    February 24, 2015 at 3:35 pm

    That’s so exciting. I’m not competing myself, but my work is next to a pretty serious box who always sends competitors. You know it’s coming time when the campus suddenly becomes way more paleo focused. (Since we all eat all our food here).
    Good luck!

    1. Skylar

      February 28, 2015 at 1:27 am

      Haha I wish the places around me would be more “paleo” focused! I’ve definitely fallen off track on trying to eat Paleo.

  • Shelly

    February 24, 2015 at 10:56 pm

    This is great! I am a huge proponent of everyone signing up for the Open. I competed in it last year, and I was only 2 months into CrossFit. It was a wonderful experience, partly because I love competition and also because I learned a lot about myself and what I’m truly capable of. So glad to hear you’re in!

  • Lindsey @Fit Life Pursuits

    February 24, 2015 at 11:43 pm

    So awesome!! That’s great that you are going for it!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    February 25, 2015 at 12:28 am

    Congrats on all your progress! You’re going to have so much fun! The Open pushes you to do things you wouldn’t have thought you could do! I unfortunately am not doing it this year because I have conflicts with pretty much all the times my box is doing the workouts 🙁

    1. Skylar

      February 28, 2015 at 1:26 am

      Aww I wish you could do the Open! I guess you could do the Open workouts at another time though. But I understand I’ll probably miss 2 of the weekends due to traveling.

  • Liv @ Healthy Liv

    February 25, 2015 at 3:28 am

    New reader here! That’s awesome that you’ll be competing in the CrossFit Open!
    Competition is a major motivator for me– without it, I’m a lot less motivated to push myself. I love running, so doing races and competing against my previous times or even against other people to try to place is really great motivation 🙂

    1. Skylar

      February 28, 2015 at 1:25 am

      Thanks for commenting 🙂 running races are always fun to compete in and definitely give me that extra push I need too!

  • Cailee

    February 25, 2015 at 4:38 pm

    Wow!! I’m so impressed! You are always so inspiring when it comes to fitness! I’m not a competitive person (like at all… haha) so competition doesn’t motivate me… it just stresses me out! haha, but if it was like a big yoga/ Pilates event, I’d be in!

    1. Skylar

      February 28, 2015 at 1:25 am

      Sports/Fitness activities are the only things I’m really competitive in. Say if I play a board game I could care less who wins haha

  • Chris

    February 27, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    Love that photo of you doing work at your box! Yeah, the Open is all kinds of nervousness and pain and suck but it’s so awesome to compete and the camaraderie of everyone cheering for everyone and then pushing yourself beyond what you think you can do… it’s just amazing. Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you!

  • 20 Lessons From One Year of CrossFit – Blonde Freedom

    June 11, 2015 at 8:28 am

    […] You should do the Open or a CrossFit competition. Participating in the Open gave me a reason to train and and allowed me to experience CrossFit from a competitive […]

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