I Forgot How to Blog
***Before you read this please know this is not a post for pity. Or a post bragging about how busy I am (because I’m really not at all). It’s hopefully a kick in the pants to get my blogging in gear.

Hey. What’s Up. Hello. Hello to my little blog space. It’s seems like I’ve forgotten what blogging is and how to do it.
I’ve felt convicted lately for not blogging as often as I would like. This one blog post a week is not satisfying the blogger/writer part of my soul. Sure I’ve posted two recaps, one of my austin trip and the other of a mountain getaway, but that’s just for the sake of remembering. I’m not sure why I can’t make blog posts happen.
I think it’s because I sleep in too late (7 a.m. woo hoo). Then I spend a good 15 minutes perusing instagram and facebook and seeing what everyone else is doing with their lives. I move my business to the dining room where I sip on coffee and decide what I want for breakfast.
Before I get done looking through Pinterest my day job as a working farmer’s daughter begins. My daylight hours are spent driving a tractor and occasionally being a “mechanic.”
Maybe I can’t make blogging happen because I started a photography business and have found myself researching photography business “to-do’s” and trying to push through the hundreds of photos I have to edit.
Or it could be that I like to go to CrossFit. So I spend a good hour trying to count how much weight I have on a barbell and concentrating on how I need to stay on my heels as I front squat.
Then as the evening progresses I move on to read the blog posts and words of others. My eyes feast on the beautiful images that others are capturing, posting, and creating. My mind races through your posts about what you did this weekend or how I can do x better.
Then I’ve convinced myself I need to start reading before I go to bed. Once again I dive into the words of others. I lose myself in the world they have created.
Then I decide it’s time for me to create. It’s time to write a blog post. I open up Google Docs and stare at that dreadful white screen. Five seconds later I’m shutting my laptop down for the night. My brain power is down to zero and the heaviness of my eyes convinces me to go to sleep.
I have two conclusions: One is that I’m so consumed with consuming that I don’t spend enough time creating. The other is that I have a case of “summer brain” meaning I have pretty low motivation that prevents me from wanting to blog.
So dear readers and blog friends thank you for staying with me this long if you have. Hopefully this post will remind me how to blog and why I love to do it.
What’s something you love to do, but haven’t been doing enough of lately?
Comments (14)
August 10, 2015 at 8:07 am
So many things. Last week I only went running twice. You know photography has suffered in my lack of time lately. So has reading.
But I think it’s important to find the time for the things you love and take turns making them a priority. If you can only pick one thing to do today, what one are you going to choose? Tomorrow do the next one and so on.
Sarah @pickyrunner
August 10, 2015 at 12:04 pm
I totally get this. Sometimes life just catches up with us. And sometimes we just don’t feel like blogging. We have the best intentions of doing so, but it just doesn’t happen. And that’s okay. I like this post and you have other priorities that take precedence! Totally fine and we’ll be here when you do have the time/ideas/desire to post 🙂
August 25, 2015 at 9:50 am
Thanks girl!! Yes, there are definitely other things that are taking priority right now!
Kaelene @Unlocking Kiki
August 11, 2015 at 12:54 am
I have such a hard time blogging in the summer when my mind is elsewhere and I would rather be outside than looking at my computer screen!
August 25, 2015 at 9:50 am
I know right! I couldn’t seem to even concentrate on writing a blog post this summer!
Kels @Blonder Side
August 12, 2015 at 4:27 pm
I think anyone who’s been around the blogging world long enough can relate to this feeling. At least I know I can and it’s actually come and gone a few times. The only thing I can say is that if you love blogging/writing then you’ll get back into it. There have been times when I thought I
d be done for good then an up-swing happened and I roared right back into it!
August 25, 2015 at 9:51 am
Yes the blogging fire definitely comes and goes! I’ll get back to it eventually!
Angela @ Witty Aspirations
August 20, 2015 at 9:06 pm
Boy can I relate to this…I’m trying to make notes on my phone when I come across something interesting. And then at some point in the day I’m reviewing them to try and generate more writing and less staring/procrastinating. Good luck!
Check out : http://www.thebenfieldblog.com/ He’s amazing photographer and has a great blog that may help with some photography tips…
August 25, 2015 at 9:52 am
Thanks for the photography link. I’ll have to check it out! Keep notes on your phone is a really great tip!
August 24, 2015 at 10:22 am
I totally feel ya on this!! I have been working up in the mountains all summer and the wifi is spotty at best. So if I want to blog I need to leave campus and go into town, which sounds simple enough… but with long hours and draining work, I often find myself too tired! But thankfully I finished work!! and am heading home soon (to reliable wifi!!) 🙂 SO excited to blog more!
August 25, 2015 at 9:53 am
Oh geez that does sound like a pain to get a blog post written! Yayyy for being able to blog more soon!
August 29, 2015 at 9:03 am
Good luck with graduate school! What is your master’s going to be in?
September 5, 2015 at 9:10 am
I’m getting my master’s in media and communication!
5 Things I'm Passionate About – Blonde Freedom
September 4, 2015 at 10:31 am
[…] all I seem to do lately is complain about how I don’t know how to blog anymore, I still love it deep down. I started getting into blogging when I was reading health blogs […]