I Did Yoga on National Running Day

SkylarJune 8, 2013

So like the title says on National Running Day (Wednesday) I did yoga instead of going running. That’s only because I ran the day before and I ran the day after. I know it’s horrible, but at least I recognized National Running Day Smile

Wednesday night it rained at home, so Thursday morning was perfect running weather.



I decided to go big and go for 4 miles too. It wasn’t a big deal at all. Next week I’ll do 5 miles one of the days.


After that run I made a green monster smoothie for breakfast. I’ve been making some dang good green monsters lately. What’s my secret? None. They’re just that good!


Tuesday for my running I did a 3 mile HIIT run. I like to do intervals every now and then to add some excitement and challenge to my runs. Also, this one is supposed to help me get faster at running the beloved 5k. I got this last year sometime from Sarah at sarahfit.com.

I start with a 5 minute warm up jog. Then I do 20 seconds at a pretty good pace, 10 seconds sprint, 30 second recovery job. I repeat that 5 times and then walk briskly for two minutes. Then I repeat that 1 or 2 more times. Typically doing that 3 times through will get me 3 miles. Man running intervals outside and not a treadmill is tough. Really tough. Discipline and strong mentality is key.

Below is the YouTube yoga video I did Wednesday. It was a pretty good practice. I haven’t done an hour of yoga in a while, so it was nice.






This weekend is the Pioneer Days Rodeo here at home which is basically a huge social event. It’s one of those things that everyone goes to just to see everybody else. The rodeo isn’t all that great it’s just the social aspect of it. Anyways I never did get a real picture, but I did take some selfies in the back seat on the way to town. Selfies are just weird, but fun haha


Turquoise jewelry is my absolute favorite. Buy me turquoise and I’m yours forever.


For some reason I like to do these lip pictures that show my lips, hair, and my jewelry. No face. If you follow me on instagram you’ll see a few of these!

Well for the rest of the day my mom and I are getting things ready for a wedding shower tomorrow for one of my best friends! I also have to go take a teacher test this afternoon over my content area of language arts. I’m not looking forward to it. Blahhh.

And while in town yesterday I got some really cute clothes and have some fun shares to put on here so watch out for that tomorrow sometime!

What are you doing this Saturday? Did you run on National Running Day?

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    June 8, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    I did yoga on national running day too. It happens! There’s always next year… Or the next day 😉 besides, for me pretty much every day is national running day!

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