Guest Post/How I Spent My Early 20's Wrong

SkylarMarch 25, 2015

Hii Party People!! I thought that was an appropriate intro for my guest poster today, Kelsey! Kelsey’s sense of humor cracks me up and luckily you will get a sense of that today. In her post she talks about not fitting the mold of a 20-something. I’m going to warn you now reading this may bring you over to the “weird side” of 20-somethings with me and Kelsey…Enjoy!
Hello Blonde Freedom readers! And a special thank you to Skylar for having me! As fellow Blonde writer and 20-something, I felt it only appropriate to talk a little bit about this weird phase we all go through at one point of another….yup, the quarter life crisis….
For my birthday I wrote about the lessons I learned at 24 but the more feedback I got the more I realized I really musta done my first 5 years of being a 20-something really “wrong” according to the World. Everyone kept saying they hadn’t learned those lessons yet. Did I miss something? Am I really that strange? (for the record yes) 
Honestly this hilarious list here is more along the lines of how my first 5 years went as an adult. Then I came across this scathing post and according to more than one of her points I seriously failed at the first 5 years of my 20’s.
>>Starbucks. Who has the money? Seriously, I don’t care how delicious anything is, it isn’t worth 4 bucks every day. This is one bandwagon I will never be takin a ride on. Sorry instagram, you will never be the cool kid on the block without a creepy mermaid lady on your beverages. (ps you should follow me…or not)
>>What’s fireball? Does my 20-something card get taken away for even asking this question?
>>Wine. According to all my 20-something friends I’m doing something really wrong by not having a bottle of TJ’s 3 buck-chuck as a close confidant. Granted this trend goes beyond early 20’s.  Let’s just go with TJ’s in general….beyond their cookie butter I can’t say I quite understand…le sigh.
(I also find it strange that the first three things involve a liquid of one form or another….are 20 yr old thirstier then the average person? This is probably something we should look into yea?)
>>Perfectly Curated Eyebrows. I sometimes forget they’re even on my face, I’m sorry if my occasionally  un-plucked brows offend you, but maybe you’re priorities are the ones that need some re-evaluating.
>>Partying. The one that really got me on the mean list, was the “going out before the sun goes down and being home before midnight”. I’m sorry but a night owl I am not and that lifestyle never appealed to me. Besides that leaves more fireball for you so why so mad?
>>Crop-Tops. These are never gonna happen for me. Stop tryin to make crop-tops a thing. Bonus points for attempting a Mean Girls reference! Oh wait that goes against this list  sooooo…..
Basically it still surprises me when someone wants to be my friend because I break so many of the “rules” of society. I mean, let’s face it, we’re all a little weird and my weird just so happens to not fit neatly into the mold of a 20-something…..It took me awhile to come to terms with the person I am, but dang-it if I don’t think I’m pretty awesome now. It does help if you find “your people” or your “tribe” as us bloggers say. If you build it, they will come ya know.
And if your “weird” doesn’t fit with what the world tells you to be, then stick that proverbial finger to the sky and say, “I’m Awesome!” At least maybe do that part in your head. 
Do you not quite fit a mold people have made for you? Tell me how and let’s be weird together 😀

Follow Kelsey: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Comments (3)

  • Kaelene @ Unlocking Kiki

    March 25, 2015 at 10:07 am

    The perfectly filled in eyebrows, totally don’t get it!

  • Julie Hood

    March 25, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    This post is so funny–and it makes me feel so much better for wanting to make 8:30 bedtime on a Friday night a regular thing (clarification: I’m 23, not in my 70s as you may have assumed from that previous statement.) definitely sharing this on Facebook!

  • Dani

    March 25, 2015 at 6:27 pm

    This is both hilarious and spot on. I can definitely relate to many of these “wrong” things

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