Home for the Weekend 2/23

SkylarFebruary 24, 2014

Here’s just a recap of what I’ve been up to this past week before another week gets ahead of me!

1. Fitness

I’ve felt like I looked like the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz walking around since Wednesday. My legs were super sore. I’m pretty sure it’s because at home when I workout my heaviest dumbbells are 10lbs each. So I would do squats and whatnot with 20lbs. In class this week we did barbell squats with I believe 65 lbs, Romanian deadlifts with 65 lbs,  and weighted lunges with 15lb dumbbells in each hand. That’s where I lay the blame.

This week we started doing our own workout programs and the one I’m doing has kicked my butt this week. Literally. My arms were dead on Monday from biceps and back. Tuesday was cardio and abs. Wednesday was leg day. Thursday was chest & tris. Friday was a quick 20 minute run with abs/core.

Someday I’ll share with you all what I’m doing, but be warned it’ll make you sore.

2. Friends


It seems like every week I mention my friends, but I honestly love them. They make me sooo happy and I’m extremely blessed to have such beautiful people in my life. I’ve been cherishing all the time I get to spend with them because sadly this is our last semester all together.


3. Family


I finally got to come home for the weekend! I got to bring my sorority little sister home with us for Zeta Days! It was neat showing her where I’m from and telling her about what my family does.

Saturday morning was Zeta Days, so I got to see some alumni from our chapter and meet some Zetas from this area.


That evening my family just went and watched some basketball.  I sat by this cutie for awhile Saturday night watching the games. She asked me sooo many questions!! Like what’s my favorite food. Favorite color. Favorite shoes. Favorite buildings. Favorite towns. Favorite prom dresses. What color were the prom dresses. What color heels do you have. You get the point. There’s tons of questions I didn’t even add. Little kids are always entertaining.


4. Food


I got to eat at my favorite place at home: Taco Box! Beef soft tacos is where it’s at.

For breakfast Sunday morning before we left my Mom made pancakes! She also tried the Pinterest recipe where you cook bananas in coconut oil and honey. They turned out to be really good, so I had some of those on top of my pancakes along with peanut butter and syrup.


5. Faith & Inspiration

This is mostly a reminder to myself as another week has begun, but it’s easy to get frustrated and annoyed with people. Instead I need to remember to be patient, kind, and loving.

And everyone knows those people who can only talk negatively about other people. I don’t necessarily have someone in mind, but throughout the week I hear a lot of things about other people that probably aren’t true and frankly aren’t any of my business. In my education class we call people who are negative all the time a “water buffalo.” I have no idea why, but it’s not appealing image and I definitely don’t want to be thought of as a water buffalo. Anyways I like to be around people who support me and who I can support in whatever they’re doing.

Have a marvelous Monday everyone and a great week!

What workout has made you sore lately? How do you act when you’re around a negative person?

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