Hello September: Labor Day ‘13

SkylarSeptember 2, 2013

Once again I’m shocked to see that September has already arrived!! I don’t know why I’m always surprised when a new month comes upon us. I use a calendar and see the days going by, so I should be ready for a new month every time. I never am ready though.

Well, this weekend my sister and I came home from college on Friday to spend the weekend at home. We had a nice relaxing weekend with our family and are definitely not ready to go back in a couple of hours.

Saturday morning started out with some buckwheat waffles made by my mom. They didn’t even taste “wheaty,” they tasted like a normal waffle. Needless to say breakfast was great that morning.



We spent Saturday shopping in town. We got pedicures too that were very much needed. I won’t post a picture because I think toes are kinda weird.

We had to have lunch at Taco Box which is always a must-eat place whenever I’m home. I had a combination burrito on wheat with some hot sauce.


Now let me show you some exciting finds from shopping.

You know on Friday how I was searching for a new school tote bag…well I found one Saturday. Dillard’s was having a great sale and I got this Fossil bag for the same price of the ones I was looking at to order.

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I’m in love with this bag. It’s perfect. It’s so big and spacious and my computer can fit horizontally. Even with my computer there is plenty of room for books, snacks, and kitty cats.

If only I really did carry kitty cats in my tote bag. Wouldn’t that be fun?!

And since now I’m of age to go to the bar whenever I please it has become absolutely necessary to have a good wristlet. With a Lifeproof case on my iPhone I was having trouble finding a wristlet that my phone would fit into.

This one from Kate Landry is the perfect size and has plenty of room for my phone, money, ID, lip gloss, hair ties etc.

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I also got some “big girl” clothes at Dillards since I’ll be spending lots of time in the classroom this semester. I definitely needed some more professional clothes. Since those types of clothes are boring and don’t excite me I’ll just post a picture of a shirt I am excited about.


I love this graphic t-shirt and can’t wait to wear it! I’m planning on wearing my denim shirt over this. It’ll be cute…hopefully. I bought this shirt in memory of Bambi’s Dad. You don’t think I’m serious, but I really am.

Eventually we spent too much money and had to head home before we couldn’t even afford to get home. My Aunt came in for the weekend, so we all went to my grandparent’s house for dinner. My grandma made brisket, beans, and homemade rolls. That’s heaven on a plate right there. The rolls are seriously soooo good!IMG_1242


After we all ate too much we just hung around and one of my aunts did my hair. She didn’t braid it, but instead twisted it. I have no idea how she did it, but for a split second I felt like I was Swedish with my hair like this…or Dutch too.


Sunday morning we met in town at a local Mexican restaurant that serves brunch called El Rancho. They have an omelet bar, so I had mine made with bacon and green chile.  IMG_1253

Once again I ate too much and then it was off to church.

Later that evening we all met up at my grandparents’ again for a “fish fry.” A fish fry isn’t a normal occurrence in our family, mostly because we don’t live near the ocean and we grow beef cattle. My grandparents had just recently returned from a big trip to Alaska, so they had some salmon they wanted to fry up for everyone. I didn’t take a picture because my plate was full of random stuff, but it was really good.

We did have a birthday to celebrate which meant cake for everyone!! Yayyy!!IMG_1273

Luckily, I was able to get in a hot and humid 3 mile run this morning, so that helped me feel a little refreshed today.

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My Mom is sending us back to school with Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Oatmeal cookies and some Zucchini bread, so we are set for the week.

Last but not least, I’ve got to spend the past two mornings with my Dad snapping some pictures and I’ve really enjoyed it.

Sorghum on the left and Corn on the right.



Feeding the steers some hay.

How was your Labor Day Weekend? What was the best thing you ate?

Comments (3)

  • pickyrunner

    September 2, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    Okay I love your bag. Like love love love it. Fossil is such a good brand. And the wallet. Perfect for the bars- I have one just like it 🙂 AND your hair! Basically you were totally stylin’ this weekend. I dig it!

    1. skylar35

      September 2, 2013 at 8:07 pm

      Haha thanks 🙂 I love my new wristlet!

  • Friday Faves: Back-To-College Basics | The Blonde In Black

    September 6, 2013 at 8:41 am

    […] here are some of my back-to school essentials! Since I already showed y’all my new tote bag it was omitted from this list, but definitely is a back-to-college […]

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