Hallelujah It's Thanksgiving Break!

SkylarNovember 23, 2013

On Friday after I got out of class at 10:30 I sped home and packed the rest of my stuff to come home for Thanksgiving break! My sister left around 11 am and got home around 4:30 pm.
Luckily we left when we did because about an 1 1/2 hours away from home the roads got really icy and my sister had to drive slow the whole way home. We passed probably 7 or 8 wrecks. Not even exaggerating. Thankfully we made it home with no issues.
I know I have a ton of things to catch up with on my blog. That’s one of my goals for this week over break!
Anyways, I woke up this lovely Saturday morning to the sound of icy snow grazing against my window so I went back to sleep. Then I woke up again around 9: 30am. I grabbed a cup of coffee with pumpkin spice creamer and sat on the couch and watched TV with my parents.
Eventually my mom made pumpkin pancakes from this site minus the chocolate chips: http://www.pbs.org/parents/kitchenexplorers/2013/10/17/pumpkin-chocolate-chip-pancakes/
Surprisingly they tasted better with just butter on them. You could really taste the pumpkin flavor and they were light and fluffy. Of course I had to have one with peanut butter just because that’s what I do.
nov 23 pancakes
I have an insane amount of homework to get done this week while on break. When I say insane I mean insane. Most of my projects for finals are due the week we get back from break so I want to have them done.
I was going to include some awesome photos from my iphone, but I decided to click okay on the iPhone software update and I still have 3 hours to go. Awesome. But at least I’m at home with my family where there’s some football on TV, a fire in the fireplace, and snow falling outside. And I’m getting to blog which hasn’t happen in quite a while evidently. So I’d say this is a perfect way to spend a Saturday night at home.
I did do the following workout today:

I found it on Pinterest and it was a pretty good workout! I’ll definitely consider doing it again and it took me close to 25 minutes due to the way I used my breaks (about 1 minute in between).

So I’ll just type up my little “To-Do” list for Thanksgiving Break!

  • My crap ton of homework
  • Catch up on blogging and on my favorite blogs!
  • Workout 5 days a week ( I have an upcoming trip to prepare for!)
  • Plan out my wardrobe for my upcoming trip (details later!)
  • Try to make healthy eating choices when I can, but indulge when I should.
  • Make my Christmas List
  • Catch up with my friends from home
  • Prepare my transition manual for the new secretary on my sorority’s executive board
  • Organize all of my pictures

And just for fun…
Paint my nails like this:

Catch up on some of this:

Make one of these. Only mine will have a reindeer inside. Kidding. Maybe? Would it be fun and super cool? Yes.

And do a little bit of this:

While dressed like this:

Last but not least I bet this song came on the radio at least 5 times yesterday and I never changed the station. In love with it.

Anyways I’ll be back again sometime soon (Tomorrow or Monday). I have a lot of life details to catch up on, so be prepared for that!
How are you going to spend your Thanksgiving Break? What’s on your to-do list?

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Oh Heyy…It’s November!

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Playing Catch Up on Thanksgiving Break