Guest Post// The Books That Changed Me

SkylarApril 6, 2015

Hello everyone! Today’s guest post comes from Kimberley from Peculiar Treasures. Kimberley is a 20-something blogger from Australia. She blogs about life, faith and the world around. Her love for Christ shines through her writing and her blog. Today Kim talks about books that have changed her. Enjoy!


  • The Bible
    • The Bible is probably the book that has changed me the most. It is through reading this book that I have learnt more about God and who He has made me to be. I have grown so much in my relationship with God just through studying and reading His Word. 
  • Pride and Prejudice
    • This is one of the first books that I ever read. I remember reading a children’s adapted version of Pride and Prejudice. By the time I finished reading I was hooked. I loved the story. I thought it was the most perfect love story ever. It was also one of the first books that really got me interested in reading and this love for reading has changed my life.
  • Victims of Grace
    • Victims of Grace is a book written by one of my favourite authors, Robin Jones Gunn. I found that this book really challenged my thinking and encouraged me to think more about my faith and how I respond to God and what He has done to me. This is definitely one of my favourite non-fiction books about faith.
  • Diary of a Teenage Girl Series
    • The Diary of Teenage Girl series would be some of my favourite books from my high school years. This book changed me by encouraging my love for writing. After reading these books I wanted to write all of the time. That was when I started keeping a daily journal which fostered my love for writing even more.

What books have changed you?

Any of these?

Kimberley McClintock - Square

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