Guest Post// Overcoming Your Mountains

SkylarJanuary 21, 2015

First I would like to say that I was overwhelmed by the amount of encouraging responses I received from Monday’s post: Why I’m Struggling With Blogging. It reminded me of the strong support system I have found in the blogging community and that as writers/bloggers most of us have had our fair share of “blogger’s block.” So while I’m still figuring out what to blog about, I’m letting someone else take the reigns!

Today’s guest post comes from Lindsey at Fit Life Pursuits. She’s one of the more recent bloggers I’ve been following and has been encouraging to me from the start. She’s passionate about living a fit lifestyle, so be sure to check out her blog for an encouraging dose of health and fitness! Enjoy!

Rock climbing is one of my most favorite activities. Have you ever been?

When you’re standing at the bottom of the mountain looking up, it’s exciting and scary all at the same time. There’s something within you that makes you want to reach the top.

It’s the thrill of the challenge and the hope of accomplishment that gets your feet off the ground.

And it’s that same hope that makes us dream.

We all have goals or dreams in life that we would like to reach. Even if you haven’t climbed a physical mountain, we are all climbing our own daily mountains. We are reaching for some summit in life.

No goal is too big or too small. Your goal may be to be a better wife, friend, or mother. Or maybe you have a bigger goal of changing the world.

No matter what your goal is, no matter what mountain you are trying to climb, it will require a strategy. In order to reach the summit, you must have a plan.




When I’m climbing, I am cautious about who is holding the end of the rope. I do not want to put my life in just anyone’s hands. My belay partner needs to be someone I can trust and rely on. They need to have patience to guide me through the climb, and strength to catch me if I fall.

It is important to surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you. Will they catch you when you fall? Will they celebrate your accomplishments? Will they guide you in the right direction? Life is meant to be experienced with others, but we must choose our relationships carefully.


During a long climb, the last thing you want is stuff weighing you down. What you carry with you may make the difference between making it to the top and a rough fall down.

Don’t burden your life with stuff. It will only weigh you down. Just because you CAN buy something doesn’t mean you SHOULD buy it. Does it serve a purpose in your life or can you put your efforts elsewhere? And don’t burden yourself with emotional baggage such as regret or bitterness. Get rid of it and pack light for the journey ahead.


It can be overwhelming to look at the top and see how far you have to climb. Some climbs are harder than others. No two mountains are exactly the same.

Don’t look to the end and start worrying about how you will ever get there. One small change, one small step at a time is all it takes to reach the top.


If you have ever been in the middle of a climb and taken the time to look around, you will likely be amazed at what you see. In the midst of your challenge, beauty surrounds you. Take time to enjoy it.

If you try to rush through life you will miss the experience. Success should come from enjoying the process. Every moment in life has something to appreciate.


If you are a climber, don’t expect to have pretty nails and smooth hands. They will be broken and calloused. But, these marks just remind us of the things we’ve overcome and the persistence it took to get there.

You are not going to be able to climb everything prefect the first time. There will be failure at some point. If you were able to be perfect all the time, there would be no challenge. You will learn more from your challenges than easy success. Embrace them.

Think about your mountains and what it will take to reach the summit. Let’s face the challenge! A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you make it one. 

What are some goals you are reaching for this year?

Do you like adventure sports like rock climbing?

Keep up with Lindsey on her blog Fit Life Pursuits

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Comments (2)

  • Kay @ Kay Bueno

    January 21, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    I’ve done a bit of indoor rock climbing and enjoyed it. But man, I respect people who do rock climbing seriously, it’s a tough sport.

    This year I’m trying to get myself together fitness wise. Have a more cohesive experience. Sometimes I feel like I just choose fitness events at random.

    1. Lindsey @Fit Life Pursuits

      January 22, 2015 at 12:55 am

      Hi Kay! It’s ok to choose fitness events at random as long as you are doing some kind of activity consistently. I have found though that once you find your “soulmate” workout that you won’t want to stop!

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