Guest Post// My Version of Therapy

SkylarMarch 30, 2015

Hello lovelies! Today’s guest post comes from Ashley! Ashley is a blogger I’ve started following recently and I already know she is someone I can reach out too whenever I need to. Ironically, the day I am getting her guest post ready happens to have been a stressful/overwhelming/meltdown day. So I’ll either be rolling out my yoga mat or grabbing my pen and notebook later tonight. I’ll stop talking so you can read what I’m talking about! Enjoy!

Hi Blonde Freedom readers, I am Ashley, and while Skylar is off on her vacation for Spring Break and busy with school, I have decided to take over her blog for the day.  I’m super excited to get to interact with you and tell you a little bit about myself. If you don’t know me I blog over at Keeping Up With Ashley and Cody. At the end of this post you will find my bio! Hope to see you down there.

my version of therapy

I know as a college student, wife, and sister I sometimes feel run-down, overwhelmed, and stressed. I am sure we all have mental break-downs. We probably all throw fits, just not like how we did when we were younger. I have been battling many thoughts and emotions lately. I had to find a therapeutically way to cope with what was going on in my life. I have found a few ways to really calm me and let me get my feelings out.

I Pray!

I haven’t been the best on sharing my faith and committing or going to church until this year. The last two weekends my mom and I have headed to church together. It has taken a long time to find a church that offered what we wanted and especially fit in our schedules. I love that my church offers Saturday services. My mom and I can go together and I don’t have to worry about the early morning drive or work involving the time set aside for God. I have found going to church with my mom therapeutically because I have someone to talk to about my problems and we get to pray together. This is a bonding time together with God and I love it.

I always ask God for advice on what I should do and to give me a sign. Yes sometimes he doesn’t’ give me a direct sign, but that is okay, because I have found him speaking to me in the oddest ways like listening to the radio or through something I read online.


I Listen to Positive Music!

I have found this to be really helpful in bringing peace and positivity in my life. I took the 30 Day challenge on K-Love in January and haven’t changed the station yet. If you’re not familiar with K-Love, it is a Christian radio station that focuses on positivity and encouragement. I love that Christian music gives me positive mind-set and wipes the negativity out of my head. I listen to it on my way to school and work each day, which adds up to roughly 2 hours or so in the car, so I get my boost of great music throughout that time. I also love that this radio station doesn’t spend 5 minutes on boring and pointless advertisements, it is mainly music and encouraging stories.

I do Yoga!

I started yoga my first year in community college. I have seen a difference in my personality and attitude since attending my first yoga class. I took a whole year off and I saw negativity come back into my life along with a stiff body. I find yoga to be relaxing. I love doing yoga right before bed or early in the morning. Not only does this offer a calming sensation, but you can just let your mind go and feel free of all emotions and problems.

My favorite poses are:

  • Recline Spinal Rotations
  • Dead Body Pose
  • Wind Removing Pose
  • Half Tortoise Pose
  • Cobra Pose

I am taking the 30 day challenge and love it. Here is the link for the wonderful yoga challenge. I’m telling you, you will feel revived.

I Read and Write!

Reading can help you drift to a new world. Sometimes we need to just grab a good book and curl on the couch with coffee! I know I wish I could do this more often.

I have found that writing what I am feeling really does help. Talking can be a great thing too, but sometimes you don’t want to talk to someone just yet, so you can write it out. I write my problems in a dear blah blah style or I write a letter to God.

So what do you find to be therapeutic?


Meet Ashley!

I blog over at Keeping Up WIth Ashley and Cody. You will find a variety of topics over on my blog. I’m still a college student working on becoming a teacher so I have started a college 101 series; and I am learning my way around the kitchen so you will find this series also. I blog about marriage, relationships, goals, life in general, and my husband and I’s monthly date nights. I love including other bloggers on my blog so you will find I am promoting and incorporating others in my posts and blog a lot. I hope you head over to learn a little bit about me.

You can follow me on bloglovin // instagram // facebook // pinterest // twitter


Comments (3)

  • Kristen

    March 30, 2015 at 8:23 am

    I love this! Reading and writing is my therapy too! Thanks for sharing!

  • My Therapy | Simply Ashley Nicole

    November 12, 2015 at 10:07 pm

    […] nice therapy methods to help out during these times. You will find the rest of this post over at Blonde Freedom. I’m helping out Skylar during her week of craziness. Hop over there and see what I recommend […]

  • March Reflections – Simply Ashley Nicole

    December 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm

    […] I had a blast doing the guest post for Blonde Freedom. With Spring term starting over here I thought it would be great to let everyone know how I like to do for therapy. We all have those meltdowns, so why not work on getting rid of that feeling with some great therapy methods. Check it out! […]

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