Gigabody Review & Giveaway!

SkylarJanuary 26, 2015

Believe it or not, I do not live, eat, and breathe CrossFit only. For me and my body it’s important to stay active through different ways. Typically, I like to be active by running, weightlifting, practicing yoga, and playing sports. Due to my stress fracture in my foot earlier in the fall, that has limited my ability and my choices for how to be active. 
Yoga became my go-to activity. I would go to CrossFit 3 times a week, but had to modify workouts and be cautious of how I used my foot. CrossFit also requires A LOT of flexibility and mobility, so I knew yoga would be the perfect addition to my workout lifestyle.
And this is where Gigabody comes in.
Through being a Sweat Pink ambassador I received the opportunity to try out and review I received a two month subscription to Gigabody which gives you access to a wide variety of online workout videos-cardio, sculpting, yoga, dance, kickboxing, barre and many more! 
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Since graduating college in December, I am no longer able to attend the yoga classes on campus that I did last fall. So my subscription to Gigabody began at the perfect time. I’ve had access to the site since the beginning of January and have tried many of their different workouts.
My personal favorites are the yoga, kickboxing, and barre videos. I like to take advantage of fun workouts that I normally would not have access to.
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The workouts range in time from 10-15 minutes to 45-70 minutes making it easy to find an option that best fits your schedule. The search options make it quick and easy to find the type of workout that best appeals to you. 
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Since the workouts are online if you aren’t able to make it to the gym you can still get in a workout at home! I took advantage of that this week while we were having snowy weather and I didn’t want to leave the house. 
Now it’s your chance to win one month free to! To enter simply use the Rafflecopter below and I’ll choose a winner on Friday! Keep in mind that you don’t have to complete every single option to be eligible to win, but you will receive more entries by completing each option!
Why would you like to win a month free to Gigabody?
Do you find workouts online?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Comments (3)

  • Lindsey @Fit Life Pursuits

    January 26, 2015 at 2:53 pm

    This sounds so fun and right up my alley! I workout at home every day because I don’t like getting dressed and having to drive somewhere! Haha Never heard of gigabody but will look into it for sure!

  • Cailee

    January 26, 2015 at 8:29 pm

    This is so great!! Good for you!! 🙂 Love it!!

  • January Favorites – Blonde Freedom

    January 30, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    […] today is your last chance to enter my Gigabody giveaway! Be sure to enter for your chance to win one month of access to online […]

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