Gettin a little colorful

SkylarMarch 26, 2013

It makes me so happy that I have time to blog today. I think it’s something that only “bloggers” would understand. Moving on!

Since I’m on Spring Break I’ve had time to cook myself breakfast in the morning. You know what that means? Protein pancakes! Yummmm!

Today and Monday I’ve used a protein pancakes recipe from Carrots N Cake. I always put peanut butter on my pancakes. That’s the best way to eat them.

DSC_0482DSC_0490I’m getting hungry posting pictures of those haha good thing my mom is cooking supper! The quality on the bottom picture is kinda poor sorry.

DSC_0493Then after I finished my pancakes today I was still kind of hungry, so I decided to have a glass of chocolate milk. I used to have chocolate milk all the time, but now if I do drink anything aside from water it’s coffee with creamer.

So today for my workout I did this cardio kickboxing video from Youtube. It was cardio, kickboxing with some strength training too. It was pretty hard, but I really enjoyed doing it. So if you’re ever looking for an at home cardio workout this is a good one.

DSC_0485This is a picture after my workout from Monday. I did a mashup of leg and arm videos from Youtube that lasted around 35 minutes.

Now on to more exciting and colorful things! This weekend after our little Color Run in Lubbock we went shopping. I did not buy anything that was black…well except for some VS underwear but those don’t really count. Anyways, look at all these colorful clothes. I know I’m gettin’ a little crazy.

DSC_0495Really the only nice piece of clothing I got were a pair of mint shorts from Target. I needed a new every day jacket and my mom told me she wouldn’t buy me anything grey or black, so I went with this washed out red jacket.

I already have wayyy too many t-shirts, but I added a few more to my collection. I got a cute Texas Tech t-shirt that’s a washed out turquoise with bright pink wording. The ZTA t-shirt and shorts are the items that I am most excited about.

DSC_0501I am obsessed with these shorts! They didn’t have any smalls so I had to go with a medium which is a little big for me, but I didn’t care! These Texas star shorts are really big in Texas (go figure). At the summer camp I work at all the little girls have them and I’ve been wanting a pair for a long time! A pair of Texas star shorts with Zeta on them is the perfect combination.

DSC_0503I’ve also made an observation that a big trend with the Southern sororities are to wear big oversized t-shirts that are of washed out colors. I don’t know how to explain it really. They only had larges and up in this shirt, but I loved it so I got it anyway. With Greek Week starting next week and continuing for 3 weeks, comfort is a must. I will be living in shorts and t-shirts, so this one will be extra comfy.

DSC_0507I also got some new lotion from Victoria’s Secret and it’s called Sunkissed. It honestly smells like summer. I’m not sure how to explain it, so go smell it for yourself!

Well my Mom almost has supper ready so here’s a good read that y’all should check out from Running With Spoons:

. life without numbers .

Is your wardrobe very colorful?

Comments (1)

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    March 26, 2013 at 8:11 pm

    You’re definitely right that PB (or AB in my case) is the perfect pancake topping! And I know what you mean about getting ridiculously hungry after posting pictures of food! I have the same exact problem when I’m writing up a post 😆 I’m loving all your colorful clothes! I tend to stick to a lot of neutral colors in the fall and winter and bring out the bright stuff for spring. I honestly can’t wait to give my wardrobe a little pizzaz, so I’m hoping the weather warms up soon!

    Thanks for the shout out <3

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