When I Get a Day Off

SkylarFebruary 19, 2015

Today I’m linking up for Thinking Out Loud! This Monday I didn’t have school due to President’s Day. In my mind I thought it would be a productive day lesson planning and grading; however, that did not happen. Here’s what my day looked like instead:

//I began my morning with a cup of coffee at the kitchen table and some blog reading. Mornings are my favorite for many reasons. So I always love to enjoy a slow morning where I don’t have to rush to go anywhere. 

Day Off 1

//A quick run to Walgreens resulted in the discovery of a health food truck nearby. I ordered a smoothie that had a banana, protein powder, cocoa powder, almond milk, and coconut milk. It was worth it. Mostly because I hadn’t bought groceries yet, and knew I didn’t have much food at home.

Day off 4dark

//Later while doing my meal prep for the week I made a loaf of Paleo Banana Bread. I think it’s amazing, but that also may due to the fact my taste buds don’t mind a bit of coconut flour or almond flour.

Day Off 2

// Yoga has been my go-to exercise on my off days from CrossFit. Though I had the day off and easily had time for CrossFit, I didn’t want to leave the comfort of my home. Yoga video it was.

Day Off 3

 //Through the afternoon I worked on getting my lesson plans ready for the week, but soon The Bachelor came on. I’ve been watching it this season and was super excited to watch it. I was super pumped that Brit got sent home, but was disappointed when he sent Carly home too. She was my favorite! (P.S. DONT GOOGLE THE BACHELOR if you don’t want to know who won. All I saw was a winner tab with one of the girl’s picture on it. I’m disappointed with myself that I did that.)


 By the time bachelor was over it was time to get to bed! So that’ s what my day off from school looked like. Pretty wild right?

How has your week been? Do you watch The Bachelor?

Comments (13)

  • Kat

    February 19, 2015 at 2:06 pm

    I live in LA and I have yet to find a health food truck. How is that even possible?! Every Thursday in the summer there is a food truck gathering at a school a couple blocks from me and the only trucks that are there are fried foods and desserts. Which ok, I’ll grab a cupcake, but I want to find a smoothie truck or a cool sandwich truck!

    1. Skylar

      February 20, 2015 at 2:38 am

      That’s so surprising to me! I would assume health food trucks would be everywhere there!

  • acacia

    February 19, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    Looks like an amazing day if you ask me! I would kill for a health food truck in ND, but it’s all about the deep fried cheese curds and $5 gallon of “organic” milk. I haven’t jumped on the bachelor wagon probably cause I don’t have a TV and am far too lazy to look it up 😉

    1. Skylar

      February 20, 2015 at 2:39 am

      This is the first health food truck I’ve seen here in NM, most just have greasy tacos. I used to not have TV and I remember always feeling so out of the TV loop, but not having TV can be really nice!

  • Lindsey @Fit Life Pursuits

    February 19, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    I love the Bachelor! Carly was my favorite too. I was super bummed. Who’s your favorite now? I think he has some good ones left. I think I like Whitney but Becca seems cool too, just haven’t seen too much of her personality. I haven’t googled the winner yet this season but I am soo tempted to!

    1. Skylar

      February 20, 2015 at 2:40 am

      As far as my favorite girl now I’m also going between Whitney and Becca. I think I would like Becca more too if we could get to know her better!

  • Kaelene @Unlocking Kiki

    February 19, 2015 at 5:03 pm

    When I have a day off doing a workout at home tends to be the way I go to, just don’t want to have to leave my house more than necessary ha.

    1. Skylar

      February 20, 2015 at 2:42 am

      Yes, I felt super lame for not wanting to leave my house to go workout, but leaving my house was just too much of a hassle haha.

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    February 19, 2015 at 5:35 pm

    The mornings are my favourite as well. I think part of the reason I love waking up so early is so that I have that peaceful ‘me’ time to enjoy before the world gets crazy. And the planner freak in me did a mini happy dance when I saw your planner 😛 Also… that smoothie sound incredible. All my favourite things.

    1. Skylar

      February 20, 2015 at 2:43 am

      Yes, that peaceful ‘me’ time in the morning helps me start my day off on a more positive note. When I’m rushing to get ready in the morning I’m definitely not a super happy person.

  • Kels @ Blonder Side of LIfe

    February 19, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    Thanks for the heads up on the Bachelor, although I’m not gonna lie I was really tempted to find out who wins but forced myself not to Google it lol. And yum a health food truck?!? I wish Lexington was cool like that…I can tell you right now they’re not haha.

    1. Skylar

      February 20, 2015 at 2:44 am

      Seriously don’t google the winner. Just don’t. Yeah I was super surprised to find a health food truck here. Usually food trucks here in NM have greasy tacos and sketch burritos.

  • Kendel

    February 20, 2015 at 2:45 am

    Blogging is good for any time of the day! Haha. I’ve been so behind in blog posts that it seems reading/commenting/blogging is all I do at the moment! That’ll change soon, since college is going back on Monday. Gah, that is going to be a shock to the system. I’m (kinda) in love with coconut flour, so I might have to try and bake that paleo banana bread one day! Yummmm. I love me some banana bread – heart eyed emojis everywhere – haha. I LOVE THE BACHELOR. NZ is showing the Australian version of it at the moment, so I’ve been following blogs who do recaps of all the episodes. I’m guilty of Googling for spoilers though 😉 can’t stop, won’t stop.

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