Gatsby and a Bachelorette Party

SkylarMay 27, 2013

So it’s Memorial day and I’m just sitting here on the couch watching Girl Code. It’s hilarious I’m not gonna lie. Oh man I don’t even know how to explain it except you should watch it!

Here’s a little recap of my weekend. On Thursday night Cooper and I went to see “The Great Gatsby.” I loved it! We saw the 3D version, but I really wish I could have seen it in 2D. I feel like I missed a lot of the little visual details in 3D. I will definitely be renting it. I was also really impressed how close it followed the book! Of course the movie left out a few things, but overall I loved it!


Friday night we went and watched “Iron Man 3” because there’s nothing else better to do in these small New Mexico towns. I’m serious. It was a really good movie too! I think Gwyneth Paltrow is awesome. Annddd Robert Downey Jr. is pretty hilarious. I think that’s why I like Iron Man so much is because he’s funny.


On Saturday night I went to a bachelorette party for one of my best friends through elementary to high school. It was one of the funnest nights I’ve had in a long time! I really enjoyed hanging out with the bride-to-be and her friends and sister. I’ve missed hanging out with those girls and I’m glad that though I may go to college in a different town when I come back everything is the same between us. Her wedding is barely a month away!! Tomorrow we’re going shopping for bridesmaids dresses actually. Luckily she wants us to get a black dress, so I know I’ll for sure wear it afterwards Smile

bach party 2

bach party group

And as far as working out these past couple of days, I did some yoga on Saturday. It was relaxing and felt really good to stretch. Today I did an HIIT workout from YouTube. It was a pretty good workout! I like the workout leader because this class is in New Jersey and she has a Jersey accent. It spices my workout up a little bit haha


In honor of Memorial Day I would like to thank the past and present people who have made sacrifices and have fought for our country. Thank you.

How did you spend Memorial Day?

Comments (1)

  • Lisa @ Lisa the Vegetarian

    May 29, 2013 at 8:26 am

    I recently caught a few episodes of Girl Code too, and it’s definitely a unique show! It’s somehow very addictive.

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