Fun Finds Friday May 31

SkylarMay 31, 2013

Oh hey it’s the last day of May! Lame rhyme right there. Sorry.

This morning I got up and went for a good 3 mile run and then followed that up with some ab exercises. I made a peanut butter shake for breakfast with 1 frozen banana, 2 scoops of Herbalife 24 powder, some peanut butter, water, ice cubes, and a couple scoops of Greek yogurt. Oddly, I wasn’t really that hungry when I started to drink it and it made my tummy feel funny :/ so I only drank 3/4 then threw it away.

I worked for my Dad this morning and now I’m just waiting for Cooper to come pick me up so we can go to Amarillo and do whatever he needs to do. So until then I’m doing this little blog post.

Today I want to share some of my favorite likes and pins on Pinterest and other cool things I’ve found over the past week.

Excuse the language of this next picture, but I found it quite hilarious as an English lover and since I just finished The Great Gatsby.


I am in love with this next outfit. Absolutely in love. If you see me in something similar soon this is what inspired me.


I wish I looked this rad whenever I stood next to a random radiator.

Forever obssessed with this song, Ellie Goulding, and Calvin Harris. I’ve been in love with it for months and it still doesn’t get old.

And that’s all I have! Have a great Friday!! Smile

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    May 31, 2013 at 2:53 pm

    That’s my new favorite song! Besides anything macklemore does, of course 😉 I haven’t been on pinterest in forever. I need to get back into it again!

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