Oh hey, Friday // Life Lately

SkylarFebruary 12, 2016

Oh hey, it’s Friday!! Today I linked up with September Farm because I have a bit of catching up to do on my blog today since evidently I can’t get my life together enough to keep this thing updated. Here’s a recap of some highlights that have happened in my life lately.


1. Last weekend I went with my girls to an event called First Friday Art Trail. It’s the first Friday of every month and basically consists of several art galleries/buildings that open in downtown LBK. People meander through all the buildings and look at art. There’s food trucks and beverages out as well. We saw a lot of really neat art pieces and of course some super odd things. My favorite was a room of all black pieces. Go figure.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

2. I’ve been able to get back into a consistent CrossFit routine which has been awesome. I love the social aspect of crossfit and my body feels better when I’m working out consistently. We’ve been doing squats on squats on squats. I’ve been constantly sore these past two weeks not just in my legs, but upper body too. Below I have an explanation for some of these ridiculous photos.



Top Left: Back Squats begin (it looks like I have no hair). 

Top Right: This is what I look like at the 6:30 a.m. class. Basically I sleep walk between sets and try to catch a few extra zzzz’s. 

Bottom Left: Time for front squats. I’m questioning if I really want to do these.

Bottom Right: Push that left knee out!! It always like to tilt inward when it needs to be outward

3. In terms of my healthy eating I’ve gotten back to my “flexible dieting” and I shared some of my grocery store buys in my Back At It post.  I got this delicious new protein powder by Progenex called Chocolate Peanut Butter Smash. It honestly tastes like I’m drinking a Reeses and who isn’t a fan of that.  

4. One of our classmates plays on the men’s basketball team here so one night last week we went to a Raider game to support him. It was a super intense game that went into overtime and then Tech won with a last second shot. In class the next day he said that he saw part of sign so we were pretty pumped about that. 


5. Otherwise, school has been school. My classes are more hands-on this semester, so I like that aspect of it. We’re just at the beginning stages of some projects now so it’s hard to say what my semester will shape up to be like. I know that it’s only going to get crazier and busier from here!


And that’s all I have for today. I have homework to work on this weekend, but I’m hoping to make it to a concert or a movie with my girlfriends. Have a great weekend! 

What have you been up to lately?

Any exciting weekend plans?

Comments (2)

  • Liz simon

    February 14, 2016 at 7:00 am

    I love that sore everyday feeling from new workouts!! good stuff! I too cannot get myself together to keep the blog update!

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    February 20, 2016 at 7:44 pm

    I need to get some of that protein powder! I feel like the majority of the ones I’ve tried in the past have… left something to be desired haha. I HATE when things taste fake!

    Good job on your crossfit consistency! My workout routines have been lackluster lately, but I’m in a mandatory weightlifting class twice a week so I’m at least getting some exercise in 😉

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