French Toast & Yellow Labs

SkylarJuly 12, 2013

I finally got myself up at 7 this morning! Even though it was the second alarm that morning that went off. I typically just dismiss the alarm and go back to sleep till 8.

My body will have a rude awakening once school starts back up when I get up at 6 again or sometimes 5 a.m. for a work out class.

Anyways I got up and went for a run. I wanted to go for a long run this morning, but that didn’t happen. My back was begging me to take it easy. So I just ran/walked 2 miles. I ran almost 1 mile then walked/ sprinted till I got to 1.5 miles then I ran the rest of the way home. Though it wasn’t what I wanted to do I’m glad I listened to my body and gave it some relief. Not my best running day that’s for sure.

The good news is that it’s French Toast Friday!! I don’t have a real reason for giving today that name, but I like to make French Toast on Friday’s when I can.

french toast friday 712

I slathered my French Toast pieces with almond butter with bananas and a drizzle of syrup!

Some mornings just aren’t coffee mornings so I had a glass of chocolate milk. I should drink chocolate milk more often.

Yesterday, it showered early that morning, so I couldn’t finish the work I had going for my Dad. I basically spent the day getting a lot of my Chemistry work done and just doing some random things I had been needing to do. Of course there was lots of distractions throughout the day with Girl Code episodes and 15 minutes spent on Tumblr.

I did a strength workout yesterday with about 10 minutes of yoga after. For some reason my Windows Live Writer won’t let me insert videos from the internet. It says the video address is incomplete or unknown. Hmmm.

I may not have been really active yesterday, but I did make some good protein pancakes. Finally some that looked like actual pancakes and tasted good too!



After I had got done working out yesterday my mom showed up with an iced hazelnut coffee from McDonald’s. Best post-recovery snack ever.


Iced coffee and a luna bar. Perfection.


A yellow lab who thinks she’s a hot shot hunting dog. Definitely not. She missed out on those training classes.


Well I just got summoned by my Dad to go to work so I hope y’all have a great Friday!!

What’s your favorite breed of dog? How do you handle bad running days?

Comments (1)

  • yogachic1212

    July 12, 2013 at 7:41 pm

    Yum yum yum, that french toast looks amazing!! Might have to make that tomorrow 😉 So glad you listened to your body! That’s extremely important, not only physically, but mentally as well! Good job, hon 🙂

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