Four for February 4th

SkylarFebruary 4, 2013

So the past week was super crazy and very stressful just  with classes, TEP application, spring recruitment, and just life things. I was simply a ridiculous emotional mess this week, but that’s okay it’s over! So I decided to narrow my post down to four topics:

1. Four Weeks of Best Body Bootcamp complete!

This past week was week four and I truly enjoyed every workout. I wasn’t quite as sore as I was from the week before, but it was still challenging. I didn’t end up getting to do the endurance workout for the third day of strength, but I had time for a little run instead. I can already tell that I’m getting more definition in my little chicken arms and I’m excited for the next half of BBB! I just completed the first workout for week 5, but more information on that will come.

Sadly I didn’t take any creepy pictures at the gym this week, but I’ll make sure to do that this next week 🙂 however I do have a funny picture to share. I like to say “Ain’t nobody got time for that!”  and I use it in random situations.

It’s true though. If I go to the gym I’m getting my workout done not talking, but if I do see you in the gym I will stop and have a conversation….a short one.

2. Fall 2010

This past week was spring recruitment for my sorority, so that added a few extra events to my schedule. Actually it wasn’t that big of a deal. Spring recruitment is not even comparable to fall recruitment in the time it takes. My bestie Jamie, is our recruitment chair and she did a great job! We got 4 beautiful new members and I’m excited to see how they grow in our chapter.

Fall 2010 is in reference to my pledge class. I just love them all 🙂 actually these next two pictures are of girls not in my pledge class, but I love them too. And if you aren’t following me on Instagram you should…

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3.Football & Farming

So I watched the SuperBowl yesterday for the commercials and there were two that pulled at my heartstrings. This first one by Dodge with Paul Harvey reminds me of my Dad, Papa J, Uncle Lance…all of the men in my family. I am blessed to have grown up as a farmer’s daughter. I see a future post with more about my dad, farming, and some photos I took from a photography class last semester.

Budweiser always has great commercials! This one made me a bit teary eyed too.

4. Funny Face

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These are the types of faces I make when reading some things on the internet. I obviously get bored and decide to take selfies with my webcam. Oh well…

Anyways, I’m off to our chapter meeting tonight! It’s pajama meeting 🙂 Woo hoo!

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    February 4, 2013 at 6:22 pm

    I’m loving the one-shoulder dress/top in the pictures!!! I’m always looking for a cute one 🙂

  • Tina Reale (@tinareale)

    February 5, 2013 at 5:05 am

    I’m so glad you posted the video of the Budweiser commercial. I kept hearing about it but kept forgetting to look it up. Who would think that a beer commercial could bring such emotion? Haha! It is so cute though.

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