Five For Friday: Spring Break & Kittens

SkylarJanuary 31, 2014

Hello errrbody! I’m soooo happy it’s Friday. This week went by fast, but I’m ready for the weekend. So here’s 5 things I want to share for Friday!

1. Spring Breakkkkkk

Guess where I’m going with 12 of my closest sorority sisters?! Vegas!!! That’s right I’m going back and I’m already super excited. Sometimes I just want to jump around and scream and throw confetti and rainbows because I can’t contain my excitement. Well maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but  I cannot wait to go back to Vegas. My last trip there was one of the funnest times of my life and this one will definitely be…wild to say the least. Just more gym and healthy eating motivation!



2. Chocolate Chip Cookies

Last week my sister made chocolate chip cookies. I ate two. The next day I get up and the cookies are gone. In bed I had planned to have a cookie with maybe some coffee…but nope. My dreams of that were dashed. This week she made oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and let me keep about 10! I had informed her last time of my disappoint to find zero cookies at home. Nothing is better than a homemade cookie!


3. Killin it at da gym

Monday weight training class our teacher showed us different chest muscle exercises and the form and equipment/machines to do them with. Then we went with our partners and found our overload something…however much weight we should be using.

Tuesday. My bed held me captive and didn’t let me get up to go run. So after class I went to the gym and hung out with the treadmill. I had a really great run. I was feeling sleepy and kinda moody before, but once I got started I felt a lot better. It was just one of those good fast paced runs where I didn’t really feel tired. Going to the gym after class was a good decision. And taking pictures in the gym is creepy when  it’s busy. That’s why I waited until I was away from the treadmills so other people wouldn’t see haha Our gym is super eye-appealing too. Don’t you wanna go run there? Yeah you probably don’t.


Wednesday. For weight training our teacher showed us different back exercises. I really liked a lot of those exercises.

Thursday. I got up and did sprinting intervals. This one by Sarah is what I’ve been doing for quite awhile.

Friday. I did the 3rd strength workout for BBB. I did the 2 other strength workouts on Monday/Wednesday morning before I went to my workout class. Overachiever. I know, I know. They’ve been making me a little sore the next day too.

4. Meal Prep & Green Monsters

For the second week in a row I’ve baked some chicken breasts, sweet potato fries, and roasted broccoli. MWF I dont go to my sorority house for lunch so I have to bring my lunch haha. It’s been nice having healthy food prepared and ready to go!


I had been going through a dry spell of not having green monsters. I’ve had a couple this week and forgot how yummy they are despite their unappealing appearance. I’ll be having more of these!


 5. Kittens

I have a new obsession with kittens. I don’t want one (I’d rather have a puppy), but I just love talking about them and finding cute/funny pictures of them. Meow.

I think the kitten purritors are sooo adorable! I just want to pick one up and snuggle with it. Maybe put it in my purse and take around with me all day. Awww kitten purritos too cute…hahahaha.

As far as my weekend plans go I really don’t have any plans. Just to have a nice relaxing weekend and enjoy hanging out with my friends! Oh, I guess the Super Bowl is this weekend too. It’s supposedly a big deal. My Mom’s family are huge Bronco fans so that’s who I’ll be rooting for!

Are you going to watch the Super Bowl? Are you obsessed with kitten pictures?

Have a great weekend!!

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    January 31, 2014 at 5:56 pm

    Wait so for some reason you stopped showing up in my reader. No wonder I wasn’t getting posts from you! Changing that right now. You just made me crave cookies and want to go to Vegas big time.

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