Five for Friday: I’ve Had Starbucks 4 Times This Week

SkylarAugust 30, 2013

1) That’s right. I have an addiction. An addiction to Starbucks. I’ve  had a drink from there every day this week, that is Monday-Thursday. So far on this Friday I’m Starbucks free. The question is will I give in or not?? Hmmm. My mom is reading this and probably hoping that I resist this Starbucks temptation (I’ll use my gift card I have).

I even have picture evidence of 3 of the 4 drinks. Dun Dun Dun (My pictures look squished haha):

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PS: Luna bars are my favorite to have for a snack on-the-go. Peanut Butter Cookie is pretty tasty. I just can’t this flavor sold in a normal box 🙁

2) I have to take my lunch to work. I feel like a little school kid again. I learned this lesson on Monday when it was 2 pm and I was starving because I didn’t bring lunch to my first day back to work. I typically eat lunch at my sorority house, but it’s wayy up campus on the opposite side, I can’t really walk up campus every day for lunch sadly. I’m thinking I may have to start doing meal prep Sunday. That could be fun!

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3) I’m in need of a new tote bag for this semester. I have a decent tote bag from Victoria’s Secret, but I want an upgrade. It needs to be able to fit my 17″ laptop horizontally and my books and notebooks. Thankfully I don’t have to carry around huge heavy textbooks, but the novels and thinner textbooks I need to carry add up.  Also, it needs to be made of canvas or of a pretty durable material. Any suggestions? Here’s a few I’m looking at:

4) I love Mexican food. I eat lots of Mexican food. Yesterday after a day of classes and work I went with my friends to a Mexican food restaurant to hang out with them while they had dinner.

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Then later last night my boyfriend, sister and I went to eat at one of the best Mexican food places here called Andeles. I ordered the beef taco plate and the picture shows everything it came with. Ahh it was sooo good!! I didn’t mind feeling like my stomach was 50 times bigger than normal.  It was well worth it. I had lunch taken care of today because I had about 3/4 of my plate left, but then I accidentally left the box in the restaurant. I hate when that happens!! Sandwich for lunch it is then.

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5) I wish I was in the movie “The Gangster Squad” with Ryan Gosling. Too bad I missed out on that casting call.

Honestly, “The Gangster Squad” was a really good movie! I typically like gangster movies for some reason, so if you like gangster movies or Ryan Gosling you should watch it.

In just a few hours after my sister gets out of class I’ll leave work and we’ll pack up to head home! I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home with my family. We don’t have any big plans, but it’ll be nice just to hang out.

Any recommendations for a good tote bag? What have you been “addicted” to this week?

Comments (2)

  • sprinkleznstuff

    September 1, 2013 at 7:24 pm

    Hi! I just found your blog and will be coming back to read more! I am obsessed with Starbucks and since going back up to school, have been going once a day. It’s bad :/ Any who, love your blog!

    1. skylar35

      September 2, 2013 at 12:52 pm

      Hi thanks for the sweet comment 🙂 and I’ll be sure to check out you’re blog. Oh Starbucks why are you so addicting?!

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