First Friday!

SkylarJanuary 5, 2013

Well even though Friday is almost over I’m finally busting out a post! I wanted to get some things in before I’m gone for a week skiing in Colorado. No big deal.

For the beginning of the new year my mom, sister, and I all made memory jars. Throughout the year we’ll just put little things in there from things we’ve done like movie tickets, tickets to games, wedding invites, bottle caps…candy wrappers, gum wrappers, pieces of gum. Well probably not the gum.

As you can tell from the pictures below mine is a lot simpler than my sisters. I wanted to be able to see into my jar! And I’m simply not as creative as my mom or sister,






You can tell that I was in a young, wild, and free kind of mood. Here’s my competition:



See how much time my sister put into making her jar…ain’t nobody got time for that! So hopefully I remember to put things in my jar so that when I look back at the end of 2013 it’ll bring back some good memories!

Here’s some inspiration yoga inspiration for January. Kinetic Vigilantes always has beautiful yoga videos! If this doesn’t encourage and motivate you to practice yoga I don’t know what will. I aspire to be able to move and flow like them one day.


Here’s for the most exciting news. Tomorrow I leave for Steamboat MusicFest in Coloardo! I’m going with my boyfriend and some of his married couple friends for 6 days and 5 nights! We’ll get 4 days of skiing and there will be 40 Texas Country bands there playing! I honestly have no idea what to expect, but I’m super excited to see some artists perform that I’ve been dying to see. On my “Must Watch List” is Wade Bowen, Randy Rogers Band, Turnpike Troubadours, and Cody Canada and the Departed. Be expecting lots of pictures next week when I get back!


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