Finding Words That Explain What I Can't

SkylarJanuary 28, 2014

Driving home from Sunday brunch with my friends, I couldn’t help but be filled with happiness. The past weekend I spent my time with people who bring so much joy into my life. Friends, sorority sisters, and others…It was a weekend filled with laughter and jokes and just some really good times.


So I don’t have a recap from the past week because honestly it wasn’t that thrilling. I was just getting back to the work/school grind and you really don’t want to hear about it. And I can’t remember enough about it to write on it.

I don’t even have pictures from the past weekend except from brunch. You can tell that food definitely takes a priority in my life.


Basically, the relationships I have and time spent with those people who are important to me have brought a lot of joy and happiness into my life. This weekend was a prime example of that.

Now I’m about to get really weird on this blog post, so prepare yourself or just turn away.

Many times I’ve read things that I think are beautifully written. I’m attracted to words to say the least. Words that make sense when they’re put together. You can see what they’re saying. You can feel what they’re talking about.

But when someone writes something that puts into words what you feel or felt or went through it’s like someone finally understands you. Granted that person hasn’t been in your place, but they’ve had an experience similar to you or thought of someone having those feelings. You can see through moments in your life what their words are saying. You know what they wrote perfectly describes what you saw or felt or are experiencing.

Lately I’ve been searching for words that work like that. Words that say what I felt or am feeling. Whether it’s in a song or a book or on Tumblr like the ones I found. And to be honest some of the things I want to see put into words must be pretty hard to come across because it’s a rare occasion when I find something that deeply resonates inside me like I found today. The picture below is one of my favorites that I read today, but its not one of the ones that hit me deep.

I know you are all probably wondering what it is I wanted to see expressed in words. What is it that I’m feeling or experienced that I want explained. The thing is I can’t explain it to you without letting you into a little section of me that is off limits. So unless you know the secret code, you’re not getting in. But don’t worry I’m not going crazy, psycho, or entering a stage of depression. Like I said at the beginning of the post I’ve been filled with happiness lately. Coming across someone who writes as beautiful as Tyler Knott also makes me happy.
Check out He’s the guy who wrote the poems/stories/quotes that I fell in love with.
What is one of your favorite quotes lately? Who is one of your favorite writers?

Comments (1)

  • t-bird

    January 29, 2014 at 11:23 am

    Your blog post goes in line with my daily Bowl of Saki, today, Jan. 29th… you must be a very ‘self-less’ person. Also, do you ever read any Rumi? Bless you Miss Sky.

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