Finally Friday!! March 7

SkylarMarch 7, 2014

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It’s finally Friday!! I haven’t blogged in a awhile so I’m going to try to catch-up. I can’t even believe it’s already March either!

For my sorority we’re preparing for Greek Sing which is 9 days away!! This whole week we’ve been working late into the night and that will continue into next week until the performance. All this work is always worth it and I get to spend a lot of time with my sisters.

Monday was International Badge Day, so I took one of my infamous half-lips no face selfie. Zeta Tau Alpha has made such a profound impact on my life and I’m blessed to be surrounded by a group of sisters who I love.


Sunday we participated in Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure in El Paso. It’s the philanthropy for my sorority and also has personal importance as well. I ended up not running the 5k, but instead just walked it with my friends. We all work out during the week, so we figured we would take it easy.



My student teaching application is bound and ready to be turned in! That was another huge stress this week. I was just trying to get everything to be perfect, so hopefully they let me student teach. The man throwing papers below shows how I would really like to turn in my application, but that probably isn’t proper.

When life gets super busy it makes you appreciate the slow moments. Like when I had 15 minutes to spare before going to work on a photography project. It was refreshing just to sit in my favorite coffee shop and enjoy a bagel (because I literally only have oatmeal in my house this week).


Weight training has been a great stress-reliever and is the cause of my full body being sore. I’ve been upping my weights on some things this week, so I’m getting a bit stronger. I try to be very discreet when taking pictures in the gym and make sure no one could potentially see me. People need to understand that I need these pictures for my blog. It’s very important.


I must point out that my biceps are starting to look really nice, especially in the picture below.

I’m still all about having oatmeal for breakfast in the morning. Making my bowl of oatmeal look pretty before I eat it makes me happy. Some people get happy when they go shopping. I get happy when I make a good bowl of oatmeal.


And this coconut chocolate chip Clif bar is one of my new favorites now! I hadn’t had that flavor before and will for sure be buying more. I feel like a fatty in class because I’m always eating something while we’re all waiting for our night class to start, but being in the classroom from 1 to 4 makes me hungry! I have to have a snack if I going to make it through the evening class portion.


Though this week has been stressful and next week will be almost the same, I have to remind myself not to stress about the little things that I can’t control. Soon enough my life will return to somewhat normal, but until then I like to keep the verse below in mind.

Have a happy Friday and a great weekend everyone!!

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    March 7, 2014 at 12:02 pm

    Woooo bloglovin finally worked! You’ve certainly been busy lately, I totally feel you on having a few minutes to sit and relax. Aka what I’m doing right now for the first time al day. Have a great weekend 🙂

  • Aurora

    March 8, 2014 at 4:23 pm

    That’s so fun that your sorority did a race for charity together!

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