February: Month in Review

SkylarMarch 14, 2021

The month of February was the first full month of having my husband, Brandon, home after his deployment. Luckily for us we seamlessly transitioned back into normal life being together.

We took a few days away for a ski and snowboard trip in the mountains. There’s nothing more refreshing than having a few days off where your biggest worry is what ski run you want to take next. It was nice to be outside. It was nice to take full, deep breaths. It was even better to have someone to ski with and to enjoy great food with. 

Keystone Ski Resort

We spent our first day skiing at Keystone. Keystone is our go-to, favorite ski resort. We hiked up to the back bowls for an underwhelming experience skiing down. Honestly! It was a LOT of effort hiking almost half a mile up the top of a mountain for a handful of minutes to get down. Regardless it was still fun and the views were worth it!

We had the cutest Airbnb right near downtown Frisco, CO. It didn’t have a kitchen, but was within a 5-8 minute walk from the main street. When we returned from skiing for the day, we walked to Main St. and found a place to eat each night. The first night we ended up at an Italian place. Our second night out we went to Tocko for dinner. The food was great and it had the exact atmosphere we were looking for- a chill, modern bar scene.

Vail Ski Resort

The next two days of skiing we went to Vail. Vail is massive, so after we hit our favorite runs we decided to branch out and go to a handful of areas we hadn’t skied yet. It’s always fun exploring new runs and seeing new sides of the mountain.

One funny thing about skiing is that I always look like a hot mess. I braid my hair. It gets caught on my jacket and in my goggles and helmet. My face and nose is always extra red. Meanwhile Brandon looks 100% totally fine. Guys can be annoying.

After we finished our second and last ski day at Vail, we decided to spend the evening in Vail village. We brought a change of clothes with us and walked around to find a place to eat. We ended up at Mountain Standard and had one of the best dinners I’ve had in a long time. We started with chips and fancy guac. For dinner I order salmon. It came on a bed of rice with broccolini on the side. It was very savory, but also had a touch of sweetness. Brandon had a scallop dish and really enjoyed it too.

Before we drove home the next day we hit up Bread + Salt for breakfast. I ordered a Butternut Squash egg white scramble. It came with hash browns and a slice of homemade toast. The scramble also had zuchinni and peppers in it too. It was one of the best restaurant breakfasts I’ve had in awhile!

February and the month of March have been challenging in a different way for me. A lot of internal, personal work is being done. I’m in a season of letting go and opening up to changing visions and dreams. It sounds weird. It’s definitely vague for everyone, but me. Things are shifting. Doors are closing and new ones are opening. We’ll see where God leads me next.

As I’m finally putting this blog post together it’s March 15th. I’m watching snow blow around outside my window and am ready for warmer days to be around to stay! I’ll be back in a few weeks with a March recap!

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