February Goals

SkylarFebruary 9, 2013

Well we’re already almost a week into February, but I want to make a post for my February goals!

  • Finish Best Body Bootcamp on a strong note!!
  • Get more sleep!
  • Stay on top of my school work because this is how I study (except replace TV w/ computer):
  • So true
  • Be more social and spend more time with my girlfriends
  • Eat more vegetables…blah
  • Do more stretching and yoga
  • So I can do cool things like this:
  • Figure out a workout plan for after BBB
  • Start cooking more
  • Start speaking like the characters from the literature I’m having to read this semester who are all British or European. And like this cute little pup:
  • Offended Puppy
  • Blog post 2-3 times per week (if time allows)
  • Post some of my photos from my documentary photography class
  • Make my blog a little more fancy


That was me Friday afternoon. I took a shower at 2 and then I didn’t know what to do so I just took a nap.

There are probably a lot more goals I could make, but I just don’t know at the moment. So have a great Saturday!

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    February 9, 2013 at 11:29 am

    I like your goals! I think they’re totally realistic. The yoga one is fun haha I want to do cool things like that too 😉

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