February Favorites

SkylarFebruary 26, 2015

February is coming to an end this weekend so I wanted to recap some of my favorites from this month by linking up for Thinking Out Loud!

Feb Faves blog

Place// My weekend getaway with my parents to Ruidoso to ski was exactly what I needed to get away from the stress of life for awhile.

Ski Apache

Book// I’ve been doing a study on “The Best Yes” with The Imperfect Vessel. This week we’ve been talking about people pleasing and I’m a people pleaser to the core, so it’s hitting a lot of strong cords with me this week. Here’s one of many great quotes: Instead why not completely spend yourself on the assignments that are yours, those moments you shouldn’t dare miss, the calling that pulses in your soul, the love you and only you can offer?

The Best Yes-Feb Fave

Fitness// Though you might expect me to say CrossFit, I’m going to give that a rest and say yoga! I do yoga 2-3 times a week on the days I don’t go to CrossFit. This weekend I did a yoga video and got close to getting headstand. However, I crashed and twisted over, but I was so happy that I got so close to holding it!

Photo// Is it selfish to choose a photo of myself for favorite photo? Yes, maybe, but that’s my choice.

DSC_1577 bw

Pinterest// I’ve been pinning a lot of awesome things lately, so I couldn’t just choose one pin. Thus a collage was born. Follow me on Pinterest! Oh, don’t you dare even think that I’m planning on getting engaged or anything anytime soon. Pictures of certain styles just tug at my heart a little more than others and I can’t pass them by sometimes. 

Pinterest-Feb Fave

Snack// I won these Rx Bars as a giveaway on the Runs and Wods blog. They sent me a box of the Coffee Cacao. I was suprised by how great they are!! They kind of reminds me of a Larabar, but much better to be honest. RX Bars are without grains, added sugars, gluten, soy, dairy or any artificial or processed ingredients. Anytime I receive a handwritten note with a product I receive, I instantly love that company so much more and Rx Bars are now one of those companies.

Rx Bar-Feb Fave

Blog Post// Being Content Where You Are. It’s challenging to write about the things you don’t want to be honest about sometimes.

TV Show// The Bachelor. I haven’t been a Bachelor girl in a while, but this season I actually have time to watch it. It’s cutting close to the wire, so it’s getting pretty intense! I can’t decide if I want him to end up with Becca or Whitney. I guess we’ll see soon! Once again don’t even think about googling The Bachelor if you don’t want to know the winner. I’m still trying to convince myself evidently that I really don’t know who won. 


Community// I have to hand it to the Influence Network again for February. With membership I get a free class each month. For some reason I misunderstood and couldn’t find the code, so I decided I wasn’t going to pay for a class. Today I found the code and signed up for the last February class that was last night (Wednesday).  This was a class that I wasn’t interested in signing up for originally. It’s weird how God works because I needed this class. 

Jess Connoly has been a favorite blogger and inspiration of mine for awhile. The class, God Our Father, was incredible. I’d have to write a separate blog post to even start to explain. Jess blogs at the Naptime Diaries.


 That wraps up my February favorites! I’m off to another day teaching high schoolers. Lucky me! 

Choose one of the categories and tell me one of your favorites from February!

Comments (6)

  • Lauren

    February 26, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    I’ve been rewatching Gilmore Girls on Netflix! I’m also keeping up with Girls on HBO and the Mindy Project.

    1. Skylar

      February 28, 2015 at 1:24 am

      Ooh I’ve been wanting to watch both Girls and the Minday Project. I’ll have to put those on my list!

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    February 26, 2015 at 2:44 pm

    Love that picture of you — definitely a great choice for favourites 😉 And I seriously need to get into yoga a bit more because I could really use a little bit more relaxation and quiet time in my life. I’ll do stretches and poses every now and again, but nothing super committed. And congrats on the almost headstand! I made it a goal to learn how to do one last year and it’s really not as bad as it seems. The worst part is just getting over the fear.

    1. Skylar

      February 28, 2015 at 1:23 am

      YouTube is my go-to for yoga routines! I didn’t realize how close I was to almost getting it until I tried this weekend. Like you said it’s not that bad!

  • Liv @ Healthy Liv

    February 27, 2015 at 3:13 am

    So fun that you won a giveaway! I sometimes don’t bother entering giveaway because I figure that the chances of winning are pretty small, but that’s so exciting that you did win! And that the bars were really good 🙂

    1. Skylar

      February 28, 2015 at 1:22 am

      I feel like I never win giveaways, so I was super pumped to win the bars!

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