End of Spring 13’ Junior Year in Pictures

SkylarMay 13, 2013

Finally, I have gotten a chance to blog again! Last week was finals and what I thought would be an easy week was jam packed with things to finish up the school year. When I did have a split second the last thing I wanted to do was try to compose a blog post. If I wasn’t busy with school I was either at work or hanging out with my girl friends.

Now to the fun part. Pictures with captions to summarize the end of the semester!


The most wonderful time of the year: Greek Olympics!!


My chariot team! I had so much fun having practices with these girls and getting to know them.


Made a book as my portfolio for my documentary photography term project, so I laid them out and decided the order while standing on a chair in the dining room of our sorority house.


Aced my third Grammar exam which means I will most likely get an A in that class. IMG_20130502_063103

While working out for the most part went to the back burner, I did make it to Tuesday Thursday Fit Camp three weeks in a row! Most of the time I followed up the workout by going to the nutrition club to get a Herbalife shake. Peanut Butter is my favorite. Go figure.


My Little and I got to see our boyfriends, Jason Aldean and Jake Owen, put on an amazing concert! We were in heaven every second.


Crown Ball with Cooper Smile We had fun, but it sure was a wild night is all I will say.


Spent a lot of time writing papers and drinking iced coffee. I used up all of my Starbucks gifts cards. Definitely went there a little too much.


Displayed my pictures in my first photo gallery with the NMSU photojournalism club!



Fro-yo. Enough said.



The only way I made it through these last few weeks is with a lot of help from God!


This last weekend I went to watch my cousin and sister run at state track! My sister made it to the podium in the 800 meter run and our cousin crossed the line at the same, but ended up 7th.


Before I headed home I had to get one last Starbucks iced coffee. Maybe I’m obsessed with iced coffee.

I’m excited for summer to really begin and to be back on the blogging train!!

Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    May 13, 2013 at 10:08 pm

    Yay for being done with school!! I feel like there’s always so much going on, it’s better to keep up with real life than the blog world! I am happy you’re back, though 🙂

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