Day in the Life of a Graduate Student

SkylarNovember 11, 2015

Happy Friday everyone! Today I wanted to give y’all a glimpse into what a typical day for me looks like as a graduate student. Honestly please don’t hate me for having such an “easy” life. This is what my day looks like two times a week. 

5:30-5:45 am: Wake up and check social media then eventually hop in the shower.

6:00-7:10 am: Eat breakfast of egg white oatmeal with peanut butter. Read a devotional. Dust on some makeup. Put on some decent clothes. Rush out the door.

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7:10 am: Driving to school. This morning was super foggy while I was driving and walking to my building. 

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7:50 am-9:20 am: Walk down to the classroom to take attendance for a class I’m a teaching assistant in and keep track of participation points.

9:30 am:  Work on TA duties such as attendance sheets, grading quizzes, and responding to e-mails.

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11:00-noon: Everyone is stressing out and complaining about registering for classes in 3 hours. What should I take? What are you taking? Have you had this professor before? Eventually we all figure it out and calm down a bit.

Noon-1:00 pm:  I had faulty lunch planning today and was starving by noon. I had to eat something or else my productivity would be shot so I went and bought a Smucker’s Uncrustable from the mini food store in our building. I forgot how good those things can be. With my hunger temporarily curbed, I continued grading quizzes from the news writing class that I TA.

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1:30 pm: Out the door and headed home for the afternoon. (I typically have a TA class to go to at 2 p.m., but I didn’t end up having to go today.)

1:45-4:00 pm: Cook some eggs since I was still hungry. Actually register for classes. Work on building HTML code for my online class. Eat a double chocolate Quest Bar. Change to go to CrossFit.

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4:20-5:30 pm: At CrossFit. Our workout was easy-ish today. We warmed up then did 18 min as many reps as possible of 3 power snatches (I did hang), 10 pull-ups, 20 air squats. I stayed a bit afterward and worked on doing power snatches. 

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6:00-7:20 pm: Go home to drink a protein shake and eat dinner. Work on this blog post and hang out until I have to leave for work for the night.

8:00-Midnight: Arrive at the computer lab to monitor it for work which is part of my TA assignment. I read some chapters in my book for my theory class on Monday. Then I continue to work on HTML coding.  I always reach a point during the nights I work where my brain completely shuts down, so then I watch Vikings on Amazon prime.

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12:30 am: Get home and climb in bed and go to sleep.

And that’s it for my typical day! It appears that I sit behind a computer all day and that’s pretty accurate. I’m either behind the computer working on TA stuff or working on homework.  The other two days of the week my schedule is slightly different and I have class at night instead of work, but basically the same concept. I hope you enjoyed some insight into my exhilarating life as a graduate student. Have a great Wednesday!

Do you have any questions about anything I shared?

What does a day in your life look like?


Comments (14)

  • carrie

    November 11, 2015 at 11:45 am

    that picture with the morning fog is stunning. i never went to grad school but a few friends of mine were kinesiology majors (so they had to go to grad school) and so i feel like i have a little knowledge of what it’s like. a lot of them were surprised by how much time TA’ing actually took up in their schedule. i can’t imagine having classes of my own and then ALSO having to teach or help teach another class!

    1. Skylar

      November 11, 2015 at 8:30 pm

      I also have a couple friends who are kinesiology majors too who are in grad school! I bet that their grad school classes are quite a bit more challenging than mine! Luckily I just have to take attendance and grad some things. If I had to actually teach I’d be a lot more stressed out!

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    November 11, 2015 at 12:11 pm

    Since graduating, I feel like I’ve been spending more time behind a computer than ever before. It’s weird, but also is exactly what I want to be doing!
    I love seeing the regular days people live!

    1. Skylar

      November 11, 2015 at 8:30 pm

      Yes, me too. Some days I get tired of always sitting, but for the most part I love what I’m doing!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    November 11, 2015 at 1:08 pm

    It’s so cool that you’re TAing-what class is it for?

    1. Skylar

      November 11, 2015 at 8:31 pm

      I’m TA for principles of journalism, news writing, and digital media production. I really enjoy these classes so that helps!

  • Secret Blogger Club (22) – The Blonder Side of Life

    November 12, 2015 at 5:14 am

    […] A Day in the Life of A Grad Student by Blonde Freedom. I couldn’t Not post this after posting about things to know before even […]

  • Beka

    November 12, 2015 at 5:46 am

    So you only get around 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night? Are you super tired during the day?

    I always think it is fun to get a peek into people’s daily lives.

    1. Caitlyn @ Candid Cerebrations

      November 12, 2015 at 3:59 pm

      I’m with Beka on this. I think it’s super interesting to see into other’s lives but I could not imagine a life with only 5-6 hours of sleep per day. I’m a 7-9 kinda girl.

      1. Skylar

        November 13, 2015 at 9:09 pm

        Luckily my Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule doesn’t start quite as early so I get around 7 hours of sleep, so I can manage pretty well. I try to sneak in an afternoon nap once or twice a week though!

    2. Skylar

      November 13, 2015 at 9:08 pm

      Luckily my Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule doesn’t start quite as early so I get around 7 hours of sleep, so I can manage pretty well. I try to sneak in an afternoon nap once or twice a week! Thanks for stopping by!

  • Anna | SheisJoyful

    November 12, 2015 at 5:58 am

    I always love getting to read these kind of posts 🙂 they are so interesting. I’ve always wanted to try crossfit!

    1. Skylar

      November 13, 2015 at 9:09 pm

      Thanks girl! You should try it out sometime!

  • My First Semester of Graduate School – Blonde Freedom

    December 14, 2015 at 10:17 am

    […] Now I really hope you don’t think I was throwing a pity party about the friend thing. I was just being honest about something that I think a lot of people post-college struggle with. I’m excited for the upcoming spring semester  and for the time I’ll be spending with friends. For now I’m going to enjoy my Christmas break and hopefully you’ll see more from me on this little blog. And if you want some insight into my daily life as a grad student click here.  […]

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