Currently// November

SkylarNovember 4, 2015



Hello. It’s me. I’m tempted to bust out the rest of Adele’s “hello” lyrics but they don’t relate so I’m going to stop. Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the November edition of currently to share what I have been cooking, planning, smelling, appreciating and anticipating lately.

Cooking// I always do some sort of meal prep throughout the week. Lately I’ve been hooked on using turkey. My local grocery store sells ground turkey patties. They are a good source of protein and taste like having a burger…only made out of turkey! Trust me, I used to be super skeptical about these so-called “turkey burgers”, but really they’re quite good. I do have to say that if you’re going to try them to go with fresh instead of frozen.

Planning// One of my grad school classes is a web design class, so I’ve been planning my final product which will be a website I completely design on my own from scratch. It’s something that I will use for future endeavors, so I’m putting a lot of hard thought into what I want it to look like! I get really nerdy and excited about it.

Smelling// The sweater weather candle from Bath & Body works is my favorite. I love lighting it when I’m sitting at home working on homework. It creates nice, cozy vibes. 

Appreciating// I’m appreciating new friendships that are blooming. I didn’t realize how much I needed community and frienships until I moved. I felt that emptiness of not having those types of people close to me, but with time it’s starting to be filled with sweet, new girlfriends. Be patient grasshoppers if you are in the same place as me. If you’re friendly, friends will come.

Anticipating// I’m so looking forward to Thanksgiving break (who isn’t). I always have a romanticized idea of Thanksgiving in my head and what it’ll be like. That’s right I have romantic thoughts about all the buttery rolls I will be consuming. Bread lovers you totally get me right?!

That’s it for today! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Choose a category and tell me what you are currently…


Comments (2)

  • Olivia

    November 5, 2015 at 10:43 am

    Ha ha, Skylar I loved the first sentence of this post. But seriously, HOW GOOD IS THAT SONG?

    Also, it was nice to read about your new friendships. I’m moving soon and having a new social circle is important to me! I’m glad it has worked out well for you 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement!

  • Jenna

    November 9, 2015 at 3:23 pm

    Aw, I’m so happy to hear that you’re finding the community that you need. You’re exactly right that if you’re friendly, friends will come! Such a positive and simple outlook–love it!

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