Currently: September

SkylarSeptember 15, 2014

Good morning everyone. This is a post idea that I got from Little Misadventures.

Making :: I just made a batch of peanut butter energy balls. I use peanut butter, oats, honey, chia seeds, protein powder, diced almonds, and mini chocolate chips to make the balls. They’re the perfect sweet snack I need after lunch that keeps me full through the day.

Drinking :: A tall iced coffee I got earlier today when I went to get groceries.

Liking :: Yeah I’m talking to you on the other side of this screen.

Reading :: Blogssss. And Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. My freshman English students are going to start a unit on that book in a week. I absolutely loved it.

Wanting :: The black sequin dress that all the Miss America contestants were wearing last night. I have a skirt that looks similar to that, but a whole dress? I would rock it.

Looking :: At Pinterest. My pinning game is onnnn…

Eating :: I just had peanut butter, banana, and jelly on some wheat rolls that my sister had got to go with the lunch she made today. You can’t go wrong with pb&j and pb & banana.

Wishing :: I’m wishing I could get my blogging act together. I have a list of about 15 blog posts that I want to write and here I am writing a currently post. I guess my thing is I want those posts to be written without much try whenever I feel like it’s time. I really need to start chipping away at my list of to-write posts because I only think of more post ideas.

Enjoying :: I’m enjoying that my sister and I have found new trails in the mountains to go walking on. I think it’s going to be a place we go to pretty often. Soledad Trail 2

Wearing :: Red nike norts and a big black t-shirt. Comfort at it’s finest.

Trying :: To take it easy on my foot. I may have sprained some ligaments in my left foot from who knows what earlier this summer. I’ve been avoiding running and am now taking a step back from things that agitate it like jumping. It’s hard trying to make myself rest, but hopefully yoga and modifying CrossFit will help.

Feeling :: Sore. I went to CrossFit yesterday to work on kipping pull-ups. I did some deadlifts. Then I did a WOD of 2 rounds of 30 hand release push ups, 30 wall balls, and 30 heavy kettlebell swings. I’m feelin that today. Nope you do not get to see my face. Deadlift 9-13

Waiting ::  For my test results from my teaching competency exam I took this weekend. That’s the sucky part about tests like that. You don’t get to know the score for weeks.

Wondering :: Where I’ll be after December? Will I get a job here or go back home? Or will getting a job at McDonald’s be my best best? It’ll be interesting to see. Oh hi December. I see you peeking around the corner.

Hoping :: I’m starting a new bible study that I bought on a whim from a blogger I follow on Instagram. It’s on the book of Ruth so I’m hoping to get caught up this week and really get something out of this study. I also hope to wake up each morning this week and do the study.

Thinking :: Should I go to bed or watch another episode of Downton Abbey??? I mean I am almost done with season 4… or should I draw it out longer. (I went to bed haha)

I hope everyone has a marvelous Monday! See you later this week!

Currently you are….

Comments (1)

  • Mamacita

    September 15, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    Good morning to you, Miss Sky! Starting the cold dismal day off with the idea of decorating for fall which always makes me happy as it is my favorite season here in Colorado. I, too, have the mission of a better bible study each morning. Being officially retired from teaching, after subbing an extra ten years, has presented some challenges for me that I am trying to overcome. Trying to find a group exercise program is on my list where I can interact with other women and reap the benefits for my older body is a must when colder weather sets in. As for your job, I also graduated in December from Tech and luckily started teaching the next month. You might just follow your grandmother’s path! Enjoy your week. Love you.

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