County Fairs, Dairy Heifers, & Donuts

SkylarAugust 17, 2013

***WARNING: This post contains only one healthy food item. The other items in this post are very unhealthy. Proceed with caution if unhealthy food impairs you if you visually see it.***

I have been absent from the blogging world lately, since I last blogged last week. My life has been spent at two county fairs. I’ve worked out maybe 3 times the past week or so which is quite abnormal. I’ve eaten rather unhealthy. Very unhealthy to be honest. So what this post will cover will be all the unhealthy things I’ve been doing.

Instead of boring you with words, I’ll do my recap with pictures and keep the words to a minimum.

Trips to Lubbock with my sister mean Chipotle for lunch. (Okay maybe 1 healthy thing.)


Coconut Vanilla Coffee Frap. It’s a mouthful, but dang are these good. I never get fraps, but it was time to try one.


Saturday night at the county fair & rodeo  with my boyfriend’s sister and a friend from high school. I saw Josh Turner & Sara Evans perform that weekend, but I mostly just “listened” to them and didn’t watch much haha.



My boyfriend’s sister is also gettting married next summer so we went wedding dress shopping while she was in town. She didn’t buy a dress that weekend and I won’t post pictures for “secretive” reasons, but we did start our day with Krispy Kreme donuts and I had an iced coffee.


This week was my hometown county fair and my favorite part of the fair is the dairy show. I showed dairy heifers from 6th grade till my senior year and absolutely loved it. I miss showing dairy heifers so much, but I live vicariously through my cousins since they still show dairy heifers( weird maybe but I don’t care). And they did sooo good at the show this year.

This is a picture of my cousin who won her class and had the jr. grand champion heifer. My younger cousin also got third in her class! They both made the sale 🙂


Here’s a picture of the grand drive. The two girls on the right are my cousins actually. Well one is a cousin way down the line on my Dad’s side, but hey it counts right? Aren’t those heifers gorgeous. I especially loved the 3 from right to left. Beautiful heifers.



Of course no dairy show is complete without complimentary milk! Chocolate milk was my choice. Gandy’s milk is the bomb.


Oh and excuse my while I eat another donut…for lunch.


This past week my Mom and I also made a quick trip to my house where I go to college and reorganized my room. We also did a little redecorating and toned down some of the bright colors so it feels a little more peaceful in there.

My college town just recently got a Dunkin’ Donut store so my Mom and I had to stop there for breakfast. Yep more donuts and iced coffee for me. I think I got my fill of donuts for the year this past week. IMG_1065


You know what else I ate multiple times this week. Sonic. Sonic for dinner twice and lunch once. At least they have good fries.


And breakfast burritos.


I’m on a roll with this unhealthy eating theme. I’m going go out on this post with a bang. County Fair= Funnel Cake. So delicious and you only need one to satisfy you for a full year.


And now I should probably start getting ready for the last night of the fair. Tonight is also my last night at home. My sister and I will be heading to college on Sunday!!! Woo hoo!!


Do you go to your county fair? What is your favorite brand of donuts?

Comments (2)

  • Aurora

    August 18, 2013 at 9:35 am

    Haha I love this post. I mean, what’s life if every week is 100% healthy? I love fairs and looking at all the animals! It would be so cool to raise a dairy heifer!

  • xjustanotherteenblogger

    August 21, 2013 at 2:08 am

    Haha this was awesome. Unhealthy eating for the win! I’ve actually never been to a proper fair, even when I lived in America so it’s good to be able to live vicariously through someone ;] I used to participate in my elementary school’s ‘calf club’. We could pick a calf, lamb or goat and then we would have a day competing and winning ribbons! It was awesome :] I actually chose to show bulls the last couple of years I did it though. Maybe it’s just because I’m a Taurus ;] Either way, I know how awesome it is to raise and show animals! Quite an experience :]

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