Being Content Where You Are

SkylarFebruary 6, 2015

content close up

Content. kənˈtent/ in a state of peaceful happiness. a state of satisfaction.

When I saw the February prompt for the Peony Project monthly link-up, I kind of brushed it off. I wanted to link-up, but I didn’t want to write about being content. 

Last fall I wrote a lot about being in a season of waiting and how I was strugging with being patient to find out what I was going to do post-college graduation. I shared how I was waiting for God to open the right doors for me and lead me in that direction. For some reason I thought having a set plan would dissolve those impatient feelings of wondering what’s next.

Fast forward to now and I’ve been teaching media/journalism at a high school for a solid month. Bam there is my post-grad plan. I got a job and now I’m working. Praise the Lord all my problems are solved. But that’s still not enough. I’m still not content.

I always want more. I’m always thinking and dreaming ahead. What’s next? What’s next? What’s next? And after that what’s next?

I’m constantly seeing what other people my age are doing and wonder why I’m not doing the same. I have best friends going to grad school. I have best friends who are married and expecting their first babies. There are people getting engaged. There are people studying in different countries. I see bloggers who make a living off of their writing and pictures. I see and I compare and I wonder why I’m not doing that.

I’ve been teaching for only a month and get frustrated that I haven’t already mastered the content I’m supposed to be teaching. I’ve been eating Paleo for two weeks along with CrossFit and am hoping to get results because I’m still not content with my body. My boyfriend lives 1000 miles away from me and that just plain sucks. I feel like my college degree isn’t enough and there is pressure to get my Master’s and I absolutely hate that. Sometimes I wish I had more followers on my blog and better pictures on my blog and get caught up in the blogger comparison game. Not being content is an ugly, frustrating thing.

The phrase “bloom where you’re planted” comes to my mind as I’ve been thinking and writing this post. This season I am in now will only last for a season and who knows how long that is. Life will continue to flow and change in ways I can’t even imagine. So here I am in a new job that I love with a college degree in my hand. I have a body that has gotten stronger and can do things I never expected thanks to CrossFit. I have a boyfriend who I have no arguments with and who is my constant “cheerleader” on the sidelines. I have this blog space and blog community. There are people who read my blog whether some days there only 2 readers or 20. I have no reason not to be content. 

So I’m going to be mindful of being content where I am now and hush the voices that constantly push me to want more. God has blessed me with a beautiful life and has provided me with everything I need to be in a constant “state of peaceful happiness.”

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

This is a monthly link up with The Peony Project.


Comments (12)

  • Jenny

    February 6, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    I like this post because it’s what I’m trying to work on this year. I have a hard time being content. I’m in the same boat with knowing what my husband is going to do after school. I’m constantly seeing friends our age buy houses or going on fun vacations, and wish we had the money to do that. And I’m the same with blogging. I wish I made a little money from it to help support. And I wish people commented on more of my posts and not just the link up posts. I’m right there with you! Thank you for sharing and reminding me that it only matters where I’m at not where others are at in like. I think that is so important to remember.

  • Cailee

    February 6, 2015 at 2:38 pm

    This is awesome! I love it! Sometimes I get frustrated with a season of my life, it’s only when I look back that I see God had a much bigger plan than I did! Thanks for your reminder to be content with every time… God has a purpose!! 🙂 Great post girl!!

  • Sarah @pickyrunner

    February 6, 2015 at 3:24 pm

    I completely relate to this. I think it took me a long time to be fully content with my life. It probably didn’t finally happen until a couple months ago. But I still find myself wanting the next thing. It’s never enough but I think really focusing on living in the moment is the most important part and the only way we’ll ever reach that level. Thanks for the reminder that we should all be content in the moment and not compare ourselves to what we feel like we “should” be doing 🙂

  • Rebekah Montgomery

    February 7, 2015 at 9:26 pm

    “I always want more. I’m always thinking and dreaming ahead. What’s next? What’s next? What’s next? And after that what’s next?”

    Amen, amen, amen. This just about sums up my thought-process, and my life. It can definitely be so difficult to find that balance between planning & being excited for the future and stressing ourselves out over not being there yet or even being completely unsure of it. This is such an awesome and needed reminder to me that I should be content in all seasons, making the best of them instead of dreaming of “better” ones.

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    February 8, 2015 at 3:24 am

    I love this post! I feel like I’m always so busy looking to the future that I forget to appreciate where I am now. Also-I have to say how impressed I am with all you’re doing now! Teaching classes? That’s amazing!

  • Felecia Efriann

    February 9, 2015 at 11:47 pm

    being content is not easy. I enjoy reading this as you wrote out how you feel and how things are going, and then the reasons you have to be content. I get caught up in the comparison game, and i stuggle with the what ifs, and what’s next, but through it all I am comforted and find content when I stop to remember I know the one who knows the season and timing for everything under the sun. 🙂

  • Lindsey @Fit Life Pursuits

    February 10, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    This is such a great reminder to me. There is always a fine between pursuing your dreams and being content where you are! I think that the idea of comparison is crucial! We should always be pushing ourselves to be better and live our dreams, but we should do it with a joyful heart, not a heart of jealousy or comparison with what others have. Thank you so much for sharing and opening your heart!

  • Danette

    February 11, 2015 at 4:01 am

    I completely agree with you. There is nothing more frustrating that not being content. It’s like we have to walk this balance between pushing ourselves to be better and be satisfied where God has us.

  • game of war cheats

    February 14, 2015 at 10:07 am

    You’re so cool! I don’t suppose I’ve truly read anything like that before.

    So good to discover someone with genuine thoughts
    on this issue. Seriously.. thanks for starting this up.
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  • Chris

    February 20, 2015 at 1:44 am

    I should be content where I’m at but I’m constantly searching for more. It’s like I sometimes feel as if I am living someone else’s life. What I have should make someone happy… but I don’t feel it. Perhaps I need a strong dose of meditation…

    1. Skylar

      February 20, 2015 at 2:45 am

      A strong dose of medication might be a good idea haha. Yeah I’m constantly searching for more in my life too. I guess it’s just finding that healthy balance.

  • February Favorites – Blonde Freedom

    February 26, 2015 at 1:43 pm

    […] Post// Being Content Where You Are. It’s challenging to write about the things you don’t want to be honest about […]

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