Community Brew // Seasons

SkylarNovember 20, 2014

I’m a little late, but I’m linking up with Rachel of Oh Simple Thoughts and Madison of Wetherills Say I Do for Community Brew. The topic for this month’s Community Brew is Seasons.

Seasons. What a perfect topic for me to write about. The season of waiting that I am in right now is one that I have been consistently blogging about for this past half year. A few weeks ago I was starting to feel a little impatient and anxious to know what will be on my calendar for January of 2015. I have everything planned right up until then. After that my month of January is full of little white blank boxes.

Season of Waiting

When I reflect back on the past year or so I’m able to see the good that came out of previous seasons. Each of them serving different purposes in my life.

//I’m able to look back on a particularly dark and difficult year in my life and see the light that I had been so deeply longing to find.

//I look back at the following season of my life and see laughter and friendship that turned into lifelong memories and relationships.

//I look back on this summer and see a season of learning how to forgive and how to fight back bitterness.

//Currently I’m in a season of practicing being an actual grown up and not a college student. This season is coming to a close and then I really will be thrown out into the real world and will have to be a grown up.

Seasons are a time to grow and change. When your in the midst of a season you may not see how it will impact you later on. That season eventually comes to a close and we reap the benefits of it–the good or the bad.

That dark time in my life is one I desperately wanted to get out of. Now I’m grateful that I wasn’t delivered from that time whenever I so desired. There’s a reason why I had to stay in that darkness for awhile. Because of that time I have a better appreciation of where I am now and I learned so many life lessons from it.

Like I mentioned before I was starting to get impatient and anxious about not being sure what I’m doing after I graduate. Now I’ve put my mind at ease and don’t waste too much time thinking about it. I can’t worry about something that I have no control over. I’m actively seeking options and the right doors will open when they’re supposed to.

Instead of yearning to know what the next season of my life will look like, I’m going to enjoy the rest of this season. I mean I won’t get to be a college student or student teacher ever again. That really is a bittersweet thought.

Whenever I begin to worry I think back on the study of Ruth from Life Lived Beautifully that I did earlier this year.  I think of Ruth and the many times that we saw her have to wait and be patient. She didn’t know how the future would fold out for her, but her waiting proved to benefit her.

Gospel of Grace 9.22

Here are some words on waiting from that study: This day, wait on the Lord by sitting in His presence and making your abode in His faithful promises. God is able to answer your prayers and fulfill your hope.

God hears my prayers. He knows the desires of my heart. He is able to fulfill my hope better than I can even imagine. So I’m going to wait quietly and to continue to seek his direction.

The Lord is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord. Lamentations 3:25-26

During this season I want to throw away worry and impatience. Instead I want to end this season by cultivating hope, trust, joy, and thankfulness.  

What season are you currently in?

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