Coffee Date// Vol. 4

SkylarMay 29, 2015

Grab your cup of coffee and join me for a little coffee date hosted by Jenna from Gold and Bloom. Excuse me while I get an oreo to dip into my coffee since it’s Friday.

April 25 coffee date 


If you ask about my teaching job and if I’ll be continuing next year, well I have some news for you. I will not be returning to teach in the fall. First of all my contract was temporary, but the intent was to rehire. However, the school district had to make staffing cuts and unfortunately I was one of those cuts. So yes I was sad and devastated because I loved my job and my students, but since that happened I’ve felt peaceful about whatever is to come next.

In result of that my parents came last weekend to move me out of my apartment. I had just finished my last day of teaching. Saying goodbye to my students and teachers was hard, but I got through it well. Then came the time to pack up and say goodbye to my apartment and the town that has watched me grow into an almost-adult for the past 5 years. I was ready to leave, but also felt bittersweet sadness about it.


So my next plans are to attend graduate school. For education? Nope. I’ve applied to one school for their media and communication program. I’ll reveal more on this later, but I’m excited about the thought of going back to school for something I love.

If you were with me I would be grunting and complaining about how sore my arms were from Murph on Monday. Then I would stand up and add that my legs were sore from more CrossFit on Wednesday & Thursday. We did reverse lunges and front squats Wednesday. Over head squats on Thursday. Despite the soreness I am so glad that I’m back at my home CF box.

Despite moving, I am super happy to be home for the summer and working for my dad. I may spend a lot of time on the tractor, but there is no summer job I would rather have than working on the farm.

Lastly, I’m going to Albuquerque today for a weekend with my best friends. I’m beyond excited to see them all and to catch up on life!

Your turn! Share some of your highs and lows from the week.



Comments (5)

  • Julie Hood

    May 29, 2015 at 9:24 am

    Job transitioning is always hard (and stupid school district budget cuts!!!), but i hope grad school goes well! can’t wait to hear more about that! 🙂

  • victoria

    May 29, 2015 at 5:21 pm

    a lot of good and excitement is happening now for you!!

    sorry to hear about your school’s budget cuts,so frustrating!

    sounds like a great Summer though!

    good luck with grad school!

  • Jenna

    June 4, 2015 at 7:45 pm

    Aw, I’m so sorry to hear about your job situation. I know all about the whole temporary contract thing, and it can be stressful. I’m so glad you have peace about it, though. God knows what He is doing, and it seems like you’re excited about the future. Hold on to that positivity!

    1. Skylar

      June 5, 2015 at 7:24 am

      Yes I know God has a even better plan for me!

  • 20 Lessons from My First Year Teaching – Blonde Freedom

    June 8, 2015 at 8:20 am

    […] I am sad that I won’t be returning to teach in the fall, I am beyond grateful for the time I had in the classroom. I learned so many things and […]

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