Coffee Date// Vol. 3

SkylarApril 25, 2015

Good morning and happy Saturday! Grab your cup of coffee and join me for a little coffee date hosted by Jenna from Gold and Bloom along with her cohost Brita of Belle Brita. Would you like a chocolate chip cookie to dip in your coffee? I have a bag nearby if you want one. It’s Saturday, so make this morning a little sweeter than normal.April 25 coffee date

My last coffee date in March was right before I took off for my two weeks of vacation. I had a lot of exciting adventures coming up in my life at the time. Thankfully things have slowed down since then. 


We only have 4 full weeks of school left! I can’t believe how fast my first semester of teaching has flown by!

I get to chaperone Prom tonight. I’m excited to see how high school kids do prom these days. I’m sure it’ll be drastically different from my proms. We didn’t know what twerking was back in my day. That’s a game changer. 

I got to take some senior pictures for one of my best friends from home who is graduating college. I loved it and enjoyed catching up with her. I also learned a lot on what worked well in my pictures and what didn’t.

I get my hair trimmed today. TRIMMED is a key word that hopefully my hairdresser understands or I’ll be adding my hair to my lows.

April 25 coffee date3


I learned some disappointing news about future things. I’m going to keep it vague for a while, but I’m having to rethink and revaluate things. 

It’s a general low, but I’ve been paying a lot more attention to the news this week and all the awful things that happen break my heart. Such as the 5 nurses who were killed in a car wreck and the huge earthquake in Katmandu this morning

Share some Highs & Lows from your week.

Comments (6)

  • Jenny

    April 25, 2015 at 9:07 am

    I hate finding out things aren’t going to work out like I want them to. I hope whatever it is, it will work it’s self out.

  • Brita Long

    April 25, 2015 at 2:50 pm

    Chaperoning students is surprisingly fun! When I taught English abroad, I chaperoned both French students and their American pen pals during their spring break. I definitely enjoyed the free admission to local sites (and watching the teenagers flirt with each other).

    Thanks for linking up!

  • Julie Hood

    April 26, 2015 at 6:07 am

    I can’t believe school is almost over, too! We’re 6 (7? I can’t remember) weeks from the end. And how exciting that you get to chaperone prom!! I can’t remember if the seniors recruited me to be a chaperone (but at our Christian school I think there are rules about twerking…like twerk but leave room for the Holy Spirit? Jk but really…)

  • Sara

    April 26, 2015 at 9:05 am

    Oh man – I wasn’t even interested in attending prom as a student. That would definitely have not made it on my “high” list. But I hope you had a great time!

    I agree completely about the news. There has been so much tragedy lately that everything else (ahem…Brian WIlliams saga) just looks superficial and petty.

  • Jenna

    April 26, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    Ahhh, prob should definitely be interesting! I saw a group of prom people at a restaurant recently, and the dresses they were wearing were so funny and so bright! Like neon colors. What are you going to wear?

    I hope your hair trim goes well! I totally know what you mean. I’ve had a girl cut off 3 inches before when I asked for a trim! Yikes!

  • Beth

    April 28, 2015 at 5:03 am

    Hope you have fun at prom! The news has definitely been a low for me too this week. So sad. I hope you find strength in your “highs” and have a wonderful rest of your week! 🙂

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