Christmas Through My Phone Camera

SkylarDecember 30, 2012

I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and do a recap of Christmas! I honestly can’t believe it’s already over. I came home Saturday to no more Christmas tree, decorations, or lights. It was sad for a moment. Christmas music will now go off the radio and Starbucks will no longer have their pumpkin spiced lattee…Ahhhh let it sink in. Take a deep breath…It will be okay. Life will go on and in a year Christmas will be back!

My Christmas began with a pair of cute boots from my boyfriend!! I requested a black pair and while in Vegas he found me the perfect pair! I’ve already worn them quite a few times!


On Sunday we had Christmas with my Dad’s family here at home. We went over to my grandparents house and began our evening with a feast of pulled pork and appetizers! IMG_20121223_182237

In this picture is my younger sister (red beside me), and my two beautiful cousins! I love those girls so so much! I didn’t do too shabby in the Christmas gift department either. I got a North Face hoodie, a maroon fedora (should be fun), black shirt (go figure), and money! My Uncle’s birthday is the day after Christmas, so we had chocolate cake and ice cream for dessert.

IMG_20121223_204724Honestly, out of all of the Christmas candy I would still rather have a piece of chocolate cake with sweet icing. Weird, but that’s just how much I love chocolate cake!

The next day we left for Colorado to spend Christmas with my mom’s family. Christmas in Colorado is always so much fun because we get to be with family who we may see only 3-4 times a year. Our Christmas Eve tradition is to have seafood for supper. There was shrimp and crab legs, and of course appetizer things. I ate a little bit of shrimp and crab. I like it, but I’m not a huge fan of it.

IMG_20121224_234818After supper we eventually begin the annual men vs. women Pictionary game! The competition amongst our teams is fierce and intense! The girls won again of course 🙂

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Probably the best part of this years Christmas was getting to see my two baby cousins. Between my younger sister and I, they are the next set of grandchildren. The girl on the left is 18 months old and she is the most adorable little girl in the world. The baby on the right is D.L. who is around 6 months. They were so much fun to play with! I’m what I would call “baby challenged.” Babies just scare me and I’m worried that I’ll hurt them, drop them, or make them cry! D.L. was a great baby and I even held him a few times! Kendall is so stinkin cute, I don’t even know how to describe her!


Christmas morning we woke up to a white Christmas, which just made Christmas that much better 🙂


There was a crap ton of presents to open, due mostly to the two little ones. I guess I was a pretty good kid this year because I was beyond spoiled with Christmas gifts. I mostly got a lot of cute clothes, money, and some workout things. I got a Garmin Forerunner watch and I still need to try it out on a run! I also got some new weights, so now I have heavier weights to use when doing my own workouts.

After all the gifts had been opened we cleaned up the living room and had breakfast of eggs and waffles. The rest of the day we just hung out and eventually we had Christmas dinner of prime rib, potatoes, homemade rolls (my favorite), and turtle cheesecake.

Typically, my family goes home the day after Christmas, but this year we stayed one extra day to spend time with those sweet babies. It was just great not to rush home and to really have that extra time with the family I love so much!

Of course during the Christmas season it’s so easy to forget the reason we even have it. God’s gift to us of his son Jesus is the most important gift one could ever receive. I am so blessed to have the promise of eternal life and to have Christ living in me.


Here are a few of my Christmas gifts, a beautiful turquoise necklace and a super cute long tribal print cardigan/sweater things. Christmas 2012 was a beautiful time of year filled with good friends, my beautiful family, and just spending my time with the people I love. I hope your Christmas was as blessed as mine!

Comments (2)

  • lifeasliv

    December 31, 2012 at 8:17 pm

    Wow, what a stellar boyfriend if he’s buying you boots! (And really cute boots at that!). I’m glad you kept the true meaning and spirit of Christmas in your heart, it’s definitely easy to get distracted with all the material things.

  • Brittany Peters

    January 1, 2013 at 6:30 am

    looks like you had a fun Christmas. I love the boots btw 🙂

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