Christmas Survey 2015

SkylarDecember 23, 2015

Hello! Christmas is almost here!! I get real nostalgic and romantic about the idea of Christmas. I just love it. I had been wanting to write a Christmas-ish blog post, but didn’t know how to approach it. Kiki from Unlocking Kiki posted this Christmas quiz on her blog so I decided to use it! So here it goes!

//Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags

Wrapping paper! There’s just something special and exciting about opening gifts that are wrapped. And of course how awesome it sounds when you rip the paper off! As far as actually wrapping gifts, I’m awful at it and hate doing it. Luckily my mom and sister do the majority of the wrapping. I know they despise me for always finding ways out of wrapping gifts.

Christmas Survey-7

//Real tree or artificial?

Artificial. Artificial trees are easy to deal with and already have the lights put on. However, I would really love to try a real tree someday. I think they’re really pretty and have a different look than artificial trees.

//When do you put up the tree?

We put up the tree the weekend of Thanksgiving! My mom makes my sister and I hang our own ornaments and we complain the whole time. Mostly because we have so many to hang!

Christmas tree1

//Hardest person to buy for

My mom. For some reason I have a really hard time buying for her.

//Easiest person to buy for

My sister or my boyfriend. I know what both of them like. My sister usually tells me exactly what she wants anyways.

//Favorite Christmas film

This is a hard one. My top three are A Christmas Story, National Lampoon’s, and Home Alone. I usually watch all 3 at some point during Christmas.

Christmas Survey-5

//Favorite thing to eat at Christmas

All the sweets. Red Velvet Cake. Monkey bread Christmas morning. Christmas Sugar Cookies. My grandma’s chocolate fudge and peanut patties. If anyone makes a dessert I’ll be trying it. 

//Snow: love it or hate it?

Depends on the situation. I love it when I can look at from inside my house. I hate it if I’m out with my Dad to help him break ice for cattle. I absolutely love it if we’re skiing.

Ski Apache

//Lights on the tree (Colored or clear?)

Clear! It gives things a cleaner look especially if other decorations/ornaments are colored. 

//Favorite Christmas song

Silent Night. The First Noel. Baby It’s Cold Outside. Honestly I seriously love all Christmas music and hum different songs all the time. Those are some of my top favorites though. 

//Reading of the Christmas story or an Advent?

I’ve been reading the She Reads Truth Advent plan and have loved it. It connects old testament stories and people to the birth of Christ. The writer then typically makes connections to how Jesus is the ultimate example of said story. The reading for the last couple of days covers the story of Jesus’ birth too, so this advent devotional is the best of both! I’ve sadly gotten a few days behind. Well 5 days behind. Oops. Time to catch up.

Christmas Survey-3

//Travel at Christmas or stay at home?

Depends on the year. We alternate between staying here at home to celebrate with my Dad’s family or going to Colorado for Christmas with my mom’s family. This year we’re at home.

//Favorite Christmas cookie?

Sugar cookies. My mom, sister, and I typically will spend an evening baking and decorating sugar cookies.

Christmas Sugar Cookie

//Favorite Christmas tradition?

I love that we open new pajamas on Christmas Eve. It’s the one consistent tradition we have. The past few years my mom lets my sister and I pick out our pajamas, so that way she knows we’ll wear what we pick. As I’m getting older I’ve noticed that lots of people have this tradition!

//Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?

Christmas morning of course! That’s when we open gifts with my immediate family if we’re here at home and in Colorado. However, with my Dad’s family we get together on Christmas Eve and open gifts from everyone.

//Most annoying thing about this time of year?

When the three grocery stores I go to are all out of plain M&Ms and I can’t bake the festive cookies I wanted. Super annoying. But mostly how busy it gets in town and in stores. I get annoyed really easily when I’m driving in a busy place. I also hate being in stores that are crowded. It makes me a little anxious and claustrophobic. I know I’m such a diva. Haha. Not.

Christmas Survey-1

//What is the “sil­li­est” fam­ily tra­di­tion you do, or miss doing?

It’s not silly, but in Colorado on Christmas Eve we always have a men vs. women Pictionary game. It gets super intense and competitive and is usually hilarious. The women have won the last couple of years. Adult beverages also help make this game super entertaining and it’s nice that I’m an “adult” now so that I can partake.

//What do you want for Christmas this year?

So my mom and dad are getting me new leather black boots that I picked out. I always want new workout clothes. I asked my boyfriend for a new black purse and sent him options (hint, hint). I’m very picky and specific when it comes to my purses because I usually keep one purse for about two years. No pressure on him. I know he’ll do a great job!

//What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?

I love Christmas mornings at home when we get to stay here. They’re slow and laidback. I’m also looking forward to hanging out with family and relaxing.

And that’s it! So Merry Christmas to you! I hope you have a wonderful next couple of days. Enjoy time spent with your loved ones and eat lots of delicious food!

What are some of your answers to the survey questions?

Comments (2)

  • nicole @life after heels

    December 26, 2015 at 3:11 pm

    I agree with you white lights on a christmas tree. Its simple and it does give the tree a cleaner look

  • Victoria

    January 6, 2016 at 11:48 am

    I loved this post!!! I’m going to copy the questions and put them into my drafts folder for next year!!! 🙂

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