Christmas 2015 Recap

SkylarDecember 29, 2015

Just like that Christmas 2015 is here and gone. We had a wonderful Christmas here at home. However, the past two days we’ve been snowed in. You’ve probably seen on the weather how New Mexico and Texas have been hit hard by some snowy weather. Sunday was spent inside hiding from the 50+mph winds and the snow blowing in.  Here’s just one image of what it looked like out Monday. There is a massive snow drift at the end of our road so we aren’t able to get out and go anywhere. My Dad can’t even get through it with the tractor, so that’s when you know it’s a big snow drift. Hopefully today the roads start clearing up a bit.

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Now moving back to the actual Christmas part. Christmas morning began with some Monkey Bread that my mom always makes. This year’s bread was the best yet. The rolls were soft and dense and the flavor was sweet, but not too much. 

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My mom also always makes a red velvet cake for Christmas to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. So I’ve enjoyed several slices of this cake over the past couple of days. 

Christmas 2015 food-1

My favorite gift of all is my new pair of Lucky black boots. I had been looking for the perfect pair of short ankle boots the past few months and I’m so glad I waited it out for these ones. 

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I get to add these comfy and chunky sweaters to my closet. Red and black are two colors that lead to my heart. (If that was a thing.)

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I’m a gold jewelry freak and love my new state of Texas necklace. I think it’s a great way to recognize my move to Texas. And of course black and gold earrings can be paired with almost anything I wear.

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While talking about Texas I’m also loving this grey shirt I got that has the shape of Texas filled with the yellow rose! (The yellow rose is the state flower). So cute!

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My sister made several of these bags for Christmas and I was lucky enough to receive one! She made the vinyl monograms for each bag and put them on. It’s a tedious process and she did a great job! 

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Any gift fitness related is received with open arms. I can always use some new sports bras and I’m excited to get some use out of these ones. My body is definitely ready to get back to normal. I told my mom this morning that I felt like I have a creaky, old body. I’ve even been doing yoga and some other at home workouts too, but I definitely don’t feel like normal. 

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My close group of best friends from my sorority always do a secret santa gift exchange. This year my gifter did a perfect job. I got some workout clothes, gold wine glasses, and the coffee and mug below. This New Mexico made Pinon coffee is honestly some of the best coffee I’ve ever had, so I was excited to get a new bag. It’s nice to have friends who know what I like. 

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I don’t want you to think that all I care about at Christmas is the gifts I received. That definitely is not the case (though it is really nice and can make great photos). I think these gifts really show my style and some things that are important to me. 

Christmas 2015 snow-6

But the parts that I remember most about Christmas are hard to recap in a blog post and are things I don’t even want to write in a blog post. It’s the conversations and the laughter and the jokes and the refilled cups of coffee. I’m really fortunate to have such a loving and fun family who can bear to spend two days hanging out together. And that sums of my 2015 Christmas!

How was your Christmas? 

Did you receive any awesome gifts?

Comments (14)

  • Emma

    December 29, 2015 at 10:05 am

    Oh wow looks like you had an amazing Christmas!! The necklace.. that shirt… that bag, I LOVE! Happy Holidays!

    Emma | Seeking the South

    1. Skylar

      December 31, 2015 at 10:05 am

      I definitely had a great Christmas! Happy New Year!

  • Sarah @pickyrunner

    December 29, 2015 at 10:21 am

    I’m glad you had such a great Christmas with family!! I’m all about the red velvet cake 😉

    1. Skylar

      December 31, 2015 at 10:05 am

      I forget how good red velvet cake is! So yummy!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    December 29, 2015 at 11:22 am

    I’m glad you had an awesome Christmas! Enjoy the rest of your holiday season!

    1. Skylar

      December 31, 2015 at 10:05 am

      Thanks girl! Same to you!

  • nicole@ life after heels

    December 29, 2015 at 12:35 pm

    wow it sounds like santa was great to you this year. I totally understand not want to write about personal conversations.

    1. Skylar

      December 31, 2015 at 10:04 am

      Santa sure did a great job! And yeah some things are just too personal for the blog.

  • chelsea jacobs

    December 30, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    That monkey bread looks amazing!!

    1. Skylar

      December 31, 2015 at 10:04 am

      It was so delicious!!

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    December 30, 2015 at 4:15 pm

    I am totally with on on loving new workout gear!

    1. Skylar

      December 31, 2015 at 10:04 am

      It’s the best gift!!

  • Kendel

    January 1, 2016 at 7:29 pm

    Those boots! Heart eyed emojis everywhere. They are so, so pretty. I have been eying something similar. I might have to snag them before the winter season rolls around! Merry (belated) Christmas and New Year lovie!

  • Victoria

    January 6, 2016 at 11:50 am

    Beautiful Christmas!!!!

    And that bag?!?!?! Your sister MADE that???? It looks great! Does she sell them?

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