Christmas 2014

SkylarDecember 29, 2014

Christmas 2014 was a wonderful time spent with lots of family. As I get older the gifts aren’t as important as they were to me when I was little. Now I cherish and enjoy the time I spend with my family so much more and the fact that we celebrate Christmas because of Christ’s birth.

This year we had a 3 year old, 2 year old, and a 4 month old present at Christmas in Colorado with my mom’s family. Being around little ones brings some magic back into Christmas. You get to see the excitement and anticipation they feel as they await on Christmas Eve night for Santa to bring them their gifts. 

Christmas Ornaments 

Our Christmas began the night before Christmas Eve with a gathering with my Dad’s family. Aren’t my cousins beautiful?! (They’re the two in the middle.)

Christmas Cousins

Then on Christmas Eve  we headed to Colorado to spend time with my Mom’s family. Yes, our plaid shirts were planned. 

family Christmas 

Taking Christmas pictures with family is hard when you’re two years old as demonstrated by my little cousin on the right. It made for a classic Christmas picture that I love so much!

Christmas family DL


Christmas Tree

Christmas Stockings

Christmas morning we watched as the little ones discovered their gifts from Santa. They were so excited! Eventually we started passing out gifts and unwrapping. By the time everyone was done opening their gifts, the living room was filled with mountains of wrapping paper. 

Throughout my time in Colorado I enjoyed a lot of delicious food! I drank plenty of cups of delicious coffee and ate several tasty sugar cookies. One of my favorite breakfasts we had was biscuits and gravy. I haven’t had that in a long time!

 Christmas Sugar Cookie

Christmas biscuits & gravy

 Christmas night we saw snowflakes falling outside of the house. When we woke up the day after Christmas the ground was covered in snow. The little ones got to go outside and play in the snow, so I went outside too and took pictures of them. The snow was the icing on the cake to our Christmas in Colorado.  



I’m not going to bother with showing you pictures of the cute clothes and little things I got for Christmas. That’s beside the point. The best gift from this Christmas was just getting to spend time with my family. When you don’t get to see them as often as you like, it really makes you appreciate the time you get to spend with them.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones! I’ll be back later this week to review 2014! I can’t believe it’s almost the end of an amazing year!

How was your Christmas?!

Comments (1)

  • Mamacita

    December 29, 2014 at 8:27 pm

    Skylar, all the wonderful pictures and your blog show just how captive you are going to be as a teacher. Of course, you being my oldest grandchild and getting ready to begin on a new adventure made this even more special. Thanks for making memories and I do expect to see you here in Colorado in two years…..if possible. Love you!

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