Christmas ’13

SkylarDecember 26, 2013

Once again Christmas has come and gone. I look forward and anticipate the Christmas season all fall. Then in a flash it arrives and disappears.

To many people Christmas is celebrated for a variety of reasons. The core reason I celebrate Christmas is to recognize and reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ. Of course I get caught up in all of the materialistic aspects of Christmas along with the magic that comes with this season and forget about the reason for Christmas. But I’m so thankful God sent his son to this earth to die for my sins.

When I think of Christmas memories of time spent with my family fills my head. Once again this year my memory is full from this Christmas spent with family. I believe we ate at my grandparents house 5 nights in a row. Basically we spent a lot of time there. I am beyond blessed to be a part of my family and am thankful for all the time I got to spend with them.


We spent lots of time sitting around the dining room table chatting and playing different games and eating of course.

This post is not well organized to be honest and doesn’t even bring justice to what we did over the 5 days, but I like it this way.


I made sugar cookies for my contribution to the meals we had throughout the past few days. They turned out to be pretty tasty.


This is our Christmas tree on Christmas morning before all the presents were opened and it’s base was then empty.


One of the traditions we have is that my Mom always monkey bread for breakfast on Christmas Morning. It was delicious!


Family photo from Christmas Eve! We opened gifts from cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles the night before Christmas.


Cousins with the grandparents. I’ve been living in leggings and sweats the past couple of days. Denim just sounds awful to my legs haha


Christmas half-selfie. The shirt I’m wearing I got for Christmas and I call it my candy cane shirt haha. I love it.

Now for a look at some of my favorite Christmas gifts.


I FINALLY got a North Face jacket! I love it. I also love the tribal sweater my mom got me and more red/black/grey shirts.


My favorite workout/fitness related gifts were my new yoga leggings, Nike sports bra, and Nike pro capris. Plus a couple of good magazines to read.


These are the random things I got that I’m happy about. “The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis” is a book that my practicum teacher had this semester and one day I read several excerpts from this book and added it to my Amazon book wish list. My Mom ordered us a personalized monogrammed coffee cup. She picked the perfect colors. Lastly I’m obsessed with my Juicy Couture Le Fleur perfume. It smells heavenly.

My plan for today is just to be lazy and do absolutely nothing. Well except I’m going to find some kind of workout to do later. It’ll take awhile to counteract all the eating I’ve been doing. And then I’ll get back to watching my new Netflix obssession: Mad Men.

As for Christmas of 2013 you were a good one! Now it’s time to look toward the New Year!

How was your Christmas? Best gift you received?


Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    December 26, 2013 at 4:05 pm

    So many good presents, I’m glad you had such an awesome holiday! Cookies are my favorite part 🙂

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