Chobani Makes Me Happy

SkylarJuly 13, 2013

Hello! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had this post almost done on Saturday, but then I had to go so I’m posting it today and will post a few things from this weekend tomorrow.

I get really happy when my grocery store has banana Chobani. I smile and skip around and make excited noises under my breath. #IsThatWeird

I hadn’t watched MTV’s “Girl Code” in a couple of weeks, but I did this weekend (and I am right now) so that hash tag is from one of their things they do on the show.

You know what else I found in my grocery store the other night. Coconut Chobani! Oh yeah life is good 🙂

I’ve been seeing lots of post about this coconut yogurt lately and hadn’t seen it in my store yet. I was thinking by the time they get coconut in the store everyone will be hooked on a new flavor! But they had it! I gasped and rushed over there when I saw it and scooped all of them into my arms…well not quite more like 3 or 4.


The coconut Cho was even better than I was thinking it would be. It definitely is my new favorite flavor…along with banana still.

Saturday morning I did strength workouts from YouTube. I love Sarah’s arm routines Love them. And the leg/booty one I did below Sarah’s was really good too!

For Saturday’s breakfast I used my banana Chobani to make protein pancakes. They turned out to look like actual pancakes! I was so happy! Someday I’ll share the recipe on here.

DSC_0071Have any of y’all seen the Lone Ranger movie yet? If not you should see it! It’s a really good family friendly movie! I love western movies in the first place too. I’ve always wished that I lived back in that time. When things were simpler, but a heck of a lot harder. The Lone Ranger is easy on the eyes too if you know what I mean 😉 haha

Supposedly this movie is getting a lot of bad reviews. I think it’s simply because it’s a good, clean and wholesome movie. People have problems with good and wholesome things these days.

This scripture is from Psalm and I posted it just if you need some encouragement for your day!

IMG_0252[1]And here is a picture from my weekend and from today!

IMG_0308[1]I got to see my favorite horse. His name is Winston.

IMG_0334[1]And last night it rained at home and has been overcast all day. I went on a nice run with my dog Marley and Pandora was on point today. Now I’m going to work on a few things for my internship before I head out to sand volleyball tonight. I don’t mind getting dirty, but I hope it doesn’t turn into mud volleyball since it rained.

Here’s a link to the article I posted last week for my internship it’s “CL’s Guide to: Social Media for Your Chapter.” You don’t have to be in a sorority for this to apply to you. Check it out for some good social media advice!

Do you get excited in the grocery store? Have you seen the Lone Ranger movie?

Comments (1)

  • allie

    July 16, 2013 at 8:22 am

    Yes!!!! Banana cho and the coconut are my favorites! I love the little coconut flakes in the cho, such a lovely surprise! I’m trying that one with pb mixed in tonight. The banana and pineapple are my top 2 though, and they taste even better with the pb in it. I love how excited you got for it haha 🙂

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