
  • November Favorites

    skystarbuck@gmail.com November 30, 2015

    November has flown by! The past two weeks of grad school took over my life so I haven’t been blogging or posting on social media much. So today’s blog post is looking back on some of my favorites from this month. Holiday// Thanksgiving of course!!…

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  • Day in the Life of a Graduate Student

    skystarbuck@gmail.com November 11, 2015

    Happy Friday everyone! Today I wanted to give y’all a glimpse into what a typical day for me looks like as a graduate student. Honestly please don’t hate me for having such an “easy” life. This is what my day looks like two times a week. …

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  • October Favorites

    skystarbuck@gmail.com October 30, 2015

    October is coming to a quick and bittersweet close. Can you believe it?! Yeah I can’t either. Today’s blog post is looking back on some of my favorites from this month. Fabrics// All things red, maroon, and plaid. I love it all and want to…

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  • Thinking Out Loud: October

    skystarbuck@gmail.com October 15, 2015

    Hello everyone! It’s been a longgg time since I’ve linked up for Thinking Out Loud with Running with Spoons, so I’m glad to be back in the loop. Let’s get to it! 1. This week marks the halfway point of my first semester of graduate school.…

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  • Currently// October

    skystarbuck@gmail.com October 7, 2015

    Good morning! Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Gold and Bloom for the October edition of currently to share what I have been eating, exploring, wearing, admiring and collecting lately. Eating// I’ve been eating lots of protein, dairy and coffee (I guess that’s drinking, but whatevs). I’ve changed my…

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  • Hello October

    skystarbuck@gmail.com October 2, 2015

    Happy Friday everyone! Aren’t you so excited that October has arrived?! I know I am. I’m ready for this hot weather to disappear and the cool air to come rushing in. Grandma sweaters, hot coffee, and leather boots are calling my name. I thought I…

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  • Am I Out of the Woods Yet?

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 23, 2015

    I posted this photo to my Instagram last night with the caption: Grad school has me thinking… ‘Am I out of the woods yet?’ Nope. It’s only September. And yes I just referenced Taylor Swift.   I had read a devotional that morning from “Thirty…

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  • There’s No Place Like Home

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 16, 2015

    It wasn’t until I moved away to college that I realized, how dear the place that I was born and raised is to me. My home also serves as my photography muse. I know I can always go home and find beauty in something to photograph.…

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  • There's No Place Like Home

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 16, 2015

    It wasn’t until I moved away to college that I realized, how dear the place that I was born and raised is to me. My home also serves as my photography muse. I know I can always go home and find beauty in something to photograph.…

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  • 6 Mistakes Made in My Blog Design

    skystarbuck@gmail.com September 14, 2015

    If you have been following my blog before the summer months then you were familiar with my former blog design. Evidently I’ve now done some redesigning. Today I want to share with you some mistakes I made in my former blog design, so that you…

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