
  • Welp Winter Break Is Over

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 15, 2013

    Yep my winter break will be completely over starting tomorrow. I get to drive back to school! 5 hours! Can’t wait! I’m not being sarcastic. Not at all. I’m actually not terribly sad about leaving home and going back, but I have enjoyed my break.…

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  • It’s a Pitch Perfect Monday

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 15, 2013

    Today is the last Monday of my winter break. Ahhh soo sad, but in a way I’m ready for break to be over. I need some routine back in my life. I made a list on Sunday of all the great things I wanted to…

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  • It's a Pitch Perfect Monday

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 15, 2013

    Today is the last Monday of my winter break. Ahhh soo sad, but in a way I’m ready for break to be over. I need some routine back in my life. I made a list on Sunday of all the great things I wanted to…

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  • Steamboat MusicFest 2013

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 13, 2013

    Prelude: This post is really just for me to have a general rememberance of our trip to Steamboat. There is a lot of text! It’s really not even that funny because I couldn’t even begin to cover all those candid moments. It’s just a basic…

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  • First Friday!

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 5, 2013

    Well even though Friday is almost over I’m finally busting out a post! I wanted to get some things in before I’m gone for a week skiing in Colorado. No big deal. For the beginning of the new year my mom, sister, and I all…

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  • Hello 2013

    skystarbuck@gmail.com January 2, 2013

    I really can’t believe it’s January 1st of 2013, but it is. Of course everyone knows that New Year’s Resolutions never last and that you always forget about them, so decided to start out the year by forgetting about making resolutions. I typically do make…

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  • Christmas Through My Phone Camera

    skystarbuck@gmail.com December 30, 2012

    I’m finally getting a chance to sit down and do a recap of Christmas! I honestly can’t believe it’s already over. I came home Saturday to no more Christmas tree, decorations, or lights. It was sad for a moment. Christmas music will now go off…

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  • Two More Days Until Christmas!

    skystarbuck@gmail.com December 23, 2012

    Happy Saturday night!! Just two more days until Christmas! So that’s me. I am in the blonde in black. I know that picture is definitely high quality obviously haha not! Anyways, I was having some short-lived fun with my web-cam. You will probably be seeing…

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  • It’s Christmas Break! Just Relax!

    skystarbuck@gmail.com December 19, 2012

    This past week has been the first week of my Christmas break. I had just gotten home on Saturday from finishing up my finals at college, not to mention I had suddenly become sick once I had finally gotten home (to my apartment) Thursday after…

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  • It's Christmas Break! Just Relax!

    skystarbuck@gmail.com December 19, 2012

    This past week has been the first week of my Christmas break. I had just gotten home on Saturday from finishing up my finals at college, not to mention I had suddenly become sick once I had finally gotten home (to my apartment) Thursday after…

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