
  • Banana Chobani & A Nap

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 28, 2013

    A cup of banana chobani and a nap was all I needed this afternoon. After a day of class and work and then class again, I was super tired and ready for a snack. My sister texted me right as I got out of class…

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  • Banana Chobani & A Nap

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 28, 2013

    A cup of banana chobani and a nap was all I needed this afternoon. After a day of class and work and then class again, I was super tired and ready for a snack. My sister texted me right as I got out of class…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Fashion & Fitness

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 26, 2013

    As today begins my first full week of school I am doing my last summer related post. This one covers my fashion and fitness favorites from this summer! And after this one I’ll stop…but if I was Miley Cyrus I wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop.…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Fashion & Fitness

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 26, 2013

    As today begins my first full week of school I am doing my last summer related post. This one covers my fashion and fitness favorites from this summer! And after this one I’ll stop…but if I was Miley Cyrus I wouldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop.…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Music & Food Favorites

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 24, 2013

    Happyyyy Saturday everyone!! I started my morning off with this yoga sequence. It only took me about 5 minutes…too fast? Probably. But it was a great way to get my body stretched and moving before a long day at recruitment workshops. And my sister and…

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  • Summertime Sadness: Music & Food Favorites

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 24, 2013

    Happyyyy Saturday everyone!! I started my morning off with this yoga sequence. It only took me about 5 minutes…too fast? Probably. But it was a great way to get my body stretched and moving before a long day at recruitment workshops. And my sister and…

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  • Being Fast Pays Off

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 22, 2013

    This week my sister and I moved back to our university town for the start of a new semester. The internet hasn’t been working at our apartment yet, so times have been hard without it. You really don’t realize how much you depend upon internet…

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  • County Fairs, Dairy Heifers, & Donuts

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 17, 2013

    ***WARNING: This post contains only one healthy food item. The other items in this post are very unhealthy. Proceed with caution if unhealthy food impairs you if you visually see it.*** I have been absent from the blogging world lately, since I last blogged last…

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  • County Fairs, Dairy Heifers, & Donuts

    skystarbuck@gmail.com August 17, 2013

    ***WARNING: This post contains only one healthy food item. The other items in this post are very unhealthy. Proceed with caution if unhealthy food impairs you if you visually see it.*** I have been absent from the blogging world lately, since I last blogged last…

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  • Austin Calls Out My Inner Hippie

    skystarbuck@gmail.com July 30, 2013

    The title says it all. I just want to move to Austin. I’ve always loved that area for some reason. Though it may be super hot and humid and I always look like a gross sweaty mess I still love it there. One thing in…

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