
  • Murph & June Goals June 2, 2014

    It’s the best month of the entire year! June! Today I’ll go over some goals for June, but first let me talk about Crossfit. On Friday I went to our box for a fundraiser/cookout/workout for the Murph WOD. Being that I’m new to Crossfit I…

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  • Murph & June Goals June 2, 2014

    It’s the best month of the entire year! June! Today I’ll go over some goals for June, but first let me talk about Crossfit. On Friday I went to our box for a fundraiser/cookout/workout for the Murph WOD. Being that I’m new to Crossfit I…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #5 May 29, 2014

    For today’s blog post I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud! Here we goooo! 1. I miss my friends, but it’s so nice when I get to see them. One of my best friends came to town, so I met her…

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  • Memorial Weekend ’14 May 26, 2014

    As I’m sitting at home writing a blog post today I was a bit intimidated about what to write about since it is Memorial Day Weekend. While everyone is out having BBQs and playing yard games, many people today are without their loved ones. As…

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  • Memorial Weekend '14 May 26, 2014

    As I’m sitting at home writing a blog post today I was a bit intimidated about what to write about since it is Memorial Day Weekend. While everyone is out having BBQs and playing yard games, many people today are without their loved ones. As…

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  • 5 on a Rainy Friday May 23, 2014

    Happy Friday everyone! Here is my 5 for Friday. 1. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear rain pouring down on our roof outside my window. The sound and smell of rain will always be one of my favorites. We’ve been…

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  • Summer 2014 Goals May 19, 2014

    Summer. Images of sunshine, tan lines, and iced coffee fill my mind. Entering the beginning of my summer break I always have lofty hopes and plans for what I want to do and accomplish during this time. So I’m sharing my goals for summer on…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #3 May 15, 2014

    I’m linking up Running With Spoons for today’s Thinking Out Loud post. This is my last day of work for the university, so I’m pretty pumped about that! The woman I work under took me out to lunch at an Italian restaurant and of course…

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  • WIAW 1: I Want All the Things May 14, 2014

    I’m officially participating in my first What I Ate Wednesday!! This definitely does not cover a day of eats, but is more like a collection of random things throughout the past week. This is probably one of the most unhealthy WIAW’s too! I’ll get better…

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  • Thinking Out Loud #2 May 8, 2014

    I”m linking up with Running With Spoons for today’s Thinking Out Loud post. I’m done with all of my work with finals!!! I just have to go to class tonight and meet with my photography professor tomorrow. I feel like I’m on summer break because…

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